Month: August 2011

  • A new site for the Briefing (and for my posts on Christian life and ministry)

    What’s changed: From now on my regular posts on Christian life and ministry will appear on the new Briefing site. The Sola Panel is now dead. What hasn’t changed: I’ll continue to use this site (Forget the Channel) to post about more technical biblical and theological topics. Check out the shiny new Briefing site; it’s…

  • Christ Evangelical Reformed Church, Malaysia

    Update 6 April 2023: I have recently been made aware that the church now has a “Council of Elders” which currently consists of the Lead Elder (with authority to make decisions) and two “non-Overseer Elders” (with an advisory role). According to the church’s website and constitution, these “non-Overseer Elders” are “respected members of the church”…

  • Pet food, pornography, and the law

    From The Briefing: One lazy afternoon in 1999, travel writer Bill Bryson discovered a shop that sold pet supplies and pornography.1 It was at the far end of the main street of an unassuming Australian country town called Young. The front of the shop contained rather mundane supplies of flea powder, fish flakes, and other…

  • Jedi masters and the body of Christ

    From The Briefing: I’m about to use Yoda as a model for Christian love. If you haven’t seen the Star Wars movies, you’ll probably be mystified by what I’m about to say. This is not the article you’re looking for. Our home group recently spent a few weeks discussing Christian love. We were focusing on…

  • In praise of holiness

    From The Briefing: I’ve just read an article that I agree with, but can’t relate to. The article, by Carl Trueman, is about the problems with hagiographies (a hagiography is a ‘saint-biography’: an account of somebody’s life that treats them as a hero of holiness and leaves out the naughty bits).1 He argues that hagiographies…