The New Testament Book of Acts – an overview

Lionel Windsor, 2001



  • Second part of Luke’s two-volume work
  • Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost”
  • Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth
  • ie it is the confirmation of the gospel
  • ie to show how this gospel was proclaimed and confirmed
  • It is also an historical account and a defence of the events of the early church (Luke 1:1-4)
  • Against the Jewish world
  • Against the Greek world
  • Against persecution
    • e.g. Jesus (in Luke) and many Christians, especially Paul (in Acts) are often pronounced not guilty
  • Luke is about what Jesus began to do and teach. Acts is about what Jesus continues to do and teach, by his Spirit.


  • Not conclusive – could be any time from 60-61 (time of Paul’s imprisonment in Rome) onwards


  • Provides a link/pivot between the gospels and the epistles
  • Evidence for apostolic claims
    • Of Paul (especially)
    • Of others
  • The message of Christianity: shows place and content of early Christian preaching
  • Spread of gospel from Jew à Gentile
  • Provides a link between the Jesus of the gospels and the people who had never seen Jesus
  • Comfort for Christians
  • Call to salvation for non-Christians – embrace this Jesus whom you have not seen


  • The witnesses and their task
  • The universal spread of the word
  • Geographically
  • To different peoples
  • The Holy Spirit acting in the spread of the word (including the miraculous)
  • Opposition
  • The preaching and its content – the message
  • Overall message: “Believe in the Lord Jesus for salvation because his resurrection means our resurrection.”
  • Different for different types of people

Quotations to remember

  • Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost”
  • Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”
  • Acts 10:34-35 “Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.”
  • Acts 11:18 “So then, God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life”
  • Luke 9:51 “As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem”
  • Acts 19:21 “After this had happened, Paul decided to go to Jerusalem …”
  • Acts 17:18 “Paul was preaching the good news about Jesus and the resurrection” – a summary of the message.

Structure of Acts

Reading Acts is like watching the effects of an earthquake. The death and resurrection of Jesus is the epicentre. The earthquake happens, and the shock waves expand in ever increasing circles to cover the whole earth, driven along by the Holy Spirit. These expanding circles can be seen in various ways: the witnesses, the geography, the recipients of the message.

Overall structure

Emphasis indicates a consolidation rather than an expansion

Passage Witnesses Geography Recipients

Introduction / preparation


Apostle Peter

Judea (centre Jerusalem)



Intro: all Jews

3-5 Peter and John Hebraic Jews
6:1-7 The Seven Grecian Jews
6:8-7:60 Stephen
8 Philip JudeaSamaria SamaritansUnclean proselytes
9:1-31 (Saul’s conversion)

Mediterranean Coast (centre Antioch)

God-fearing Gentiles

9:32-42 (Peter) Lydda and Joppa (Jews)
10:1-11:18 Caesarea God fearers
11:19-30 (Saul) Antioch Greeks
12 (Peter) (Jerusalem) (Jews)

Apostle Paul

with Barnabas

Phrygia / Galatia – journey 1


(Jews rejected)

16:1-17:15 with Silas and Timothy

Macedonia / Achaia / Asia (centre Ephesus) – journeys 2 & 3


17:16-18:17 Achaia
18:18-19:41 with Priscilla and Aquilawith Apollos Ephesus (John the Baptist’s believers)
20-28 (by himself)


Looking to the future – “the ends of the earth”

Detailed structure with themes

NB Can divide up rows in the table below

Passage Witnesses Geography Recipients The Holy Spirit Opposition
1 1:8 The disciples together are commissioned to be witnesses1:12-26 Another witness must be chosen to take Judas’ place Galilee – Jesus’ appearanceJerusalem 1:2 Jesus gave instructions through the Spirit1:5 Jesus promises baptism with the Holy Spirit

1:8 They will receive power from the Holy Spirit to be witnesses

1:16 The Holy Spirit spoke through David in the Psalms

1:24-26 God chooses Matthias to continue as witness because Judas betrayed

2 Apostle Peter2:32 Peter claims to be a witness of the resurrection Judea (centre Jerusalem)

  • Jerusalem
  • JewsJews from every nation (all directions around Jerusalem) Jewish Pentecost2:4 The Spirit fills them and enables them to speak in other tongues

    2:17-18 God had promised to pour out his Spirit on all people in Joel – this is the sign of salvation

    2:33 The exalted Christ, at the right hand of the Father, pours out the Spirit

    2:38 Those who repent and are baptised will also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

    2:42-47 God does miracles, strengthens and increases the church

    2:13 Some make fun of the tongue speaking and attribute it to drunknness2:23 The Jews put Jesus to death with the help of wicked men
    3-5 Peter and John3:15 Peter claims to be a witness of the resurrection 3:11 Worshippers in the temple 3 Miracle with lame man allows Peter to address the onlookers 3:13 Jews killed the Christ
    4 4:13 Peter and John are unschooled, ordinary men.4:20 They cannot help speaking about what they have seen and heard

    4:33 Apostles continue to testify

    Barnabas introduced

    Sanhedrin (in opposition to the message) 4:8 The Holy Spirit fills Peter and enables him to speak the word of God4:25 The Holy Spirit spoke through David

    4:31 After persecution, all the believers are filled with the Holy Spirit and enabled to speak the word of God boldly

    4:1-4 Priests, captain of the temple guard, Sadducees put Peter and Jogn in prison4:5-22 Sanhedrin commands them not to speak in the name of Jesus

    4:24-30 Opposition fulfilment of Psalm 2 – the nations against the anointed.

    4:27 Jews killed Christ

    5:1-16 5:3, 9 Ananias and Sapphira lie to and test the Holy Spirit, and are killed by God for it5:13 Retribution by Holy Spirit ensures that insincere people do not join the church, although many do still join

    5:32 The Holy Spirit is a witness together with Peter and the apostles

    5:3, 9 Ananias and Sapphira lie to Holy Spirit and die
    5:17-42 5:32 The Holy Spirit is called a witness 5:39 Gamaliel realises that this cannot be stopped if it is from God 5:17-42 The Sanhedrin opposes and imprisons the apostles5:41 The apostles rejoice that they are counted worthy of suffering for the sake of the Name
    6:1-7 The Seven The Seven given the responsibility for the Grecian Jews 6:3,5 A criterion for choosing the seven is that they are full of the Holy Spirit
    6:8-7:60 Stephen – killed for his witness Grecian Jews (who oppose the message) 6:10 The synagogue of the freedmen could stand up neither against Stephen nor the Spirit by whom he spoke7:51 Stephen’s charge against the Jews is that they resist the Holy Spirit

    7:55 Stephen’s vision of glory happens as he is full of the Holy Spirit

    6:8-7:60 Opposition is from the “Synagogue of the Freedmen” – Grecian Jews6:12-14 False witnesses

    7 The whole speech is about the rejection of God’s prophets by the people of Israel

    7:54-60 Stephen killed

    8:1-25 8:1 First mention of Saul (in opposition to message)Those scattered by persecution preach where they go


    Peter and John

    JudeaSamaria Samaritans Samaritan Pentecost8:6 Phillip does miraculous signs and the crowds pay attention

    8:14-17 The Samaritans receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, subsequent to their baptism into the name of Christ

    8:18-19 The Spirit is given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands; Simon tries to buy this ability

    8:1-3 Saul is part of persecution8:20 Simon magus tries to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit with money
    8:26-40 Philip The south road Unclean proselyte (Ethiopian Eunuch) 8:29, 39 The Spirit guides Philip to and form the Ethiopian Eunuch
    9:1-31 Saul’s conversion – announced as chosen instrument to bring gospel to Gentiles, accepted by Barnabas and Jerusalem church Mediterranean Coast (centre Antioch) GentilesSaul announced as chosen instrument to bring gospel to Gentiles & Israel 9:10-16 The Lord tells Ananias to baptise Saul in a vision9:17 Saul is filled with the Holy Spirit then baptised

    9:31 The Holy Spirit encouraged, grew and strengthened the church in a time of peace

    9:4-5 Saul is actually persecuting Jesus9:16 The Lord predicts the suffering of Saul

    9:23-25 Jews conspire to kill Saul

    9:29 Grecian Jews try to kill him

    9:32-42 (Peter) Lydda and Joppa (Jews) 9:42 Many believe in the Lord as Peter does miraculous healings
    10:1-11:18 10:39-41 Peter and the apostles are chosen witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection Caesarea God fearers – household of Cornelius. 10:9-16 A God-given vision encourages Peter to go to the “unclean” Gentiles10:19, 11:12 The Holy Spirit guides Peter to the Gentiles

    10:38 God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit

    Gentile Pentecost

    10:44-48 The Holy Spirit comes upon the Gentile believers, enabling them to speak in tongues and praise God, so they are baptised with water

    11:15-16 This is seen as a “baptism with the Holy Spirit”

    11:18 God granted the Gentiles repentance

    11:19-30 Those scattered by the persecutionBarnabas encourages church and brings Saul Phonecia, Cyprus, Antioch Greeks 11:24 Barnabas is full of the Holy Spirit11:28 The Holy Spirit works through Agabus in Antioch to predict the famine
    12 (Peter, Saul, Barnabas, John Mark) (Jerusalem) (Jews) 12 God miraculously saves Peter and the whole church from Herod 12 Herod persecutes church to gain favour with Jews12:2 Apostle James killed

    12:3 Peter arrested and imprisoned

    13-14 Apostle Paulwith Barnabas and John Mark

    13:31 The witnesses to the resurrection are important part of the argument to the Jews

    Phrygia / Galatia – journey 1Cyprus

    Pisidian Antioch



    Gentiles: Sergius Paulus (proconsul), God-fearers, those appointed for eternal lifeJews: some Jews believe

    13:46-47 Paul deliberately turns away from the Jews and to the Gentiles

    13:2-4 The Holy Spirit chooses and sends Barnabas and Saul13:9 Saul opposes Elymas the sorcerer full of the Holy Spirit

    13:52 In Pisidian Antioch the disciples are full of joy and the Holy Spirit

    14:3 God confirms Paul’s message by signs and wonders

    13:50 Jealous Jews stir up persecution and expel Paul from the city.14:5 A plot between unbelieving Jews and Gentiles to stone Paul and company

    14:11-13 The Lystran crowds think that Paul and Barnabas are Greek gods

    14:19-20 Paul is stoned almost to death

    14:22 Paul says to disciples “we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God”

    15 (Jerusalem) Debate: do the Gentiles have to be circumcised? 15:8, 12 The giving of the Holy Spirit is evidence that God had accepted the Gentiles15:28 The Holy Spirit is at work in the letter from the council of Jerusalem 15:1 False teaching within the church: circumcision prerequisite to salvation
    16:1-17:15 with Silas and Timothy Macedonia / Achaia / Asia (centre Ephesus) – journeys 2 & 3Macedonia

  • PhilippiThessalonicaBerea
  • Timothy: Half Greek, half JewLydia: worshipper of God

    Philippian jailer

    Many Gentiles

    Only a few Jews in Thessaolica, but many in Berea

    16:6-7 The Spirit prevents them from entering Asia and Bithynia and instead directs them to Macedonia. Against Paul’s original intentions to cover old ground, the Holy Spirit wants him to break new ground 16:19 The crowds have Paul and Silas put in prison. The real reason: they exorcised a spirit and stopped a profitable business. The proffered reason: they are advocating unlawful practices.17:5 Jealous Jews stir up a mob from the marketplace and drag them before the city officials. The proffered reason: they are defying Caesar’s decrees and saying there is another king.

    17:13 the Jews go from Thessalonica even to Berea

    17:14 Paul stirs up more trouble than anybody else

    17:16-18:17 with Priscilla and Aquila Achaia

  • AthensCorinth
  • A few AtheniansThe synagogue ruler in Ephesus

    18:6 Again, Paul leaves the Jews who oppose him and goes next door into the house of a Gentile

    18:9-10 The Lord encourages Paul in a vision and he stays in Corinth for 1½ years 18:6 The Jews oppose Paul and become abusive18:12 The jealous Jews make a united attack on Paul. The proffered reason: Paul is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law, thus invalidating Christianity under Roman law. The proconsul refuses to listen
    18:18-19:41 with Priscilla and Aquilawith Apollos Asia (Ephesus) (John the Baptist’s believers)19:9 Again, Paul leaves the Jews who oppose him and goes into a Gentile lecture hall.

    19:10 All the Jews and Greeks in the province of Asia

    19:1-6 The Spirit comes upon those who had only been baptised with John’s baptism19:11-12 Paul does extraordinary miracles

    19:21 Paul’s plan to go to Jerusalem is “in the Spirit”

    19:9 Jews in the synagogue publicly malign the word19:13-16 Seven sons of Sceva try to invoke the name of Paul and Jesus but fail

    19:23-41 Demetrius stirs up the crowd to get rid of Paul. The real reason: he is losing business from idol making. The proffered reason: the goddess Artemis will be discredited. But the assembly is dismissed.

    20-28 22:15, 26:16 Paul identifies himself as a witness of the risen Lord Jesus Rome Looking to the future – “the ends of the earth” 20:22 Paul is compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem20:23 The Holy Spirit warns Paul that prisons and hardship await him

    20:28 The Holy Spirit has established the overseers of the Ephesian church

    21:4 The disciples urge Paul not to go to Jerusalem through the Spirit

    21:11 The Holy Spirit warns Paul of his imprisonment through Agabus

    28:25 The Holy Spirit spoke through Isaiah

    See below under “parallels”

    Summary of Themes

    Opposition and suffering

    Reason for the opposition

    • 4:24-30 Opposition fulfilment of Psalm 2 – the nations against the anointed.
    • 5:41 The apostles rejoice that they are counted worthy of suffering for the sake of the Name
    • 9:4-5 Saul is actually persecuting Jesus
    • 9:16 The Lord predicts the suffering of Saul
    • 14:22 Paul says to disciples “we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God”
    • 20-28 To see the gospel go out to the ends of the earth

    Opposition to Christ himself

    • 9:16 The Lord predicts the suffering of Saul: “for my name”
    • 2:23 The Jews put Jesus to death with the help of wicked men
    • 3:13 Jews killed the Christ
    • 4:27 Jews killed Christ
    • 7 The whole speech is about the rejection of God’s prophets by the people of Israel

    From Jealous Jews

    • 2:13 Some make fun of the tongue speaking and attribute it to drunknness
    • 4:1-4 Priests, captain of the temple guard, Sadducees put Peter and John in prison
    • 4:5-22 Sanhedrin commands them not to speak in the name of Jesus
    • 5:17-42 The Sanhedrin opposes and imprisons the apostles
    • 6:8-7:60 Opposition is from the “Synagogue of the Freedmen” – Grecian Jews
    • 6:12-14 False witnesses
    • 7:54-60 Stephen killed
    • 9:23-25 Jews conspire to kill Saul
    • 9:29 Grecian Jews try to kill Saul
    • 13:50 Jealous Jews stir up persecution and expel Paul from the city.
    • 14:5 A plot between unbelieving Jews and Gentiles to stone Paul and company
    • 14:19-20 Paul is stoned almost to death
    • 17:5 Jealous Jews stir up a mob from the marketplace and drag them before the city officials. The proffered reason: they are defying Caesar’s decrees and saying there is another king.
    • 17:13 the Jews go from Thessalonica even to Berea
    • 18:6 The Jews oppose Paul and become abusive
    • 18:12 The jealous Jews make a united attack on Paul. The proffered reason: Paul is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law, thus invalidating Christianity under Roman law. The proconsul refuses to listen
    • 19:9 Jews in the synagogue publicly malign the word
    • 20-28 It is Jews who are constantly behind the attacks on Paul

    From Gentiles

    • 14:5 A plot between unbelieving Jews and Gentiles to stone Paul and company
    • 16:19 The crowds have Paul and Silas put in prison. The real reason: they exorcised a spirit and stopped a profitable business. The proffered reason: they are advocating unlawful practices.
    • 19:23-41 Demetrius stirs up the crowd to get rid of Paul. The real reason: he is losing business from idol making. The proffered reason: the goddess Artemis will be discredited. But the assembly is dismissed.
    • 20-28 The Gentiles are accomplices of the Jews in their attacks on Paul

    From worldly authorities

    • 12 Herod persecutes church to gain favour with Jews
    • 17:5 Jealous Jews stir up a mob from the marketplace and drag them before the city officials. The proffered reason: they are defying Caesar’s decrees and saying there is another king.
    • 18:12 The jealous Jews make a united attack on Paul. The proffered reason: Paul is persuading the people to worship God in ways contrary to the law, thus invalidating Christianity under Roman law. The proconsul refuses to listen.
    • 20-28 Both Roman and Jewish authorities are involved in the trials of Paul

    From “believers”

    • 5:3, 9 Ananias and Sapphira lie to Holy Spirit and die
    • 8:20 Simon magus tries to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit with money
    • 14:11-13 The Lystran crowds think that Paul and Barnabas are Greek gods
    • 15:1 False teaching within the church: circumcision prerequisite to salvation
    • 19:13-16 Seven sons of Sceva try to invoke the name of Paul and Jesus but fail
    • 20:29-30 Paul predicts the coming of false teachers even from within the church

    Parallels between the suffering of Paul in Acts 20-28 and the suffering of Jesus in Luke

    Here Paul makes a journey to Jerusalem in order to suffer. Many of the above themes reach their climax. There are many parallels between Jesus and Paul’s suffering:

    Parallel Luke Acts
    They both resolutely set out for Jerusalem 9:51 19:21
    Predictions of suffering 9:22 by Jesus 20:16, 20:22-24, 21:4, 21:10-14 by Paul and the Holy Spirit
    Predictions of resurrection 9:22 20:7-12 Is Eutychus being raised from the dead a clue about what will happen to Paul as a result of his sufferings? A “resurrection” clue?
    Teaching followers and preparing them for the “departure” 9-19 20:13-38 To the Ephesian elders.
    In front of the crowdsA crowd gathers

    Accused of leading a rebellion

    Seized by the crowd


    False accusations

    The Jews stir up people

    Mob rule

    They shout for him to die

    The secular ruler is not in control

    22:47 – 23:2522:47









    21:27 – 22:2921:28









    TrialsThe Sanhedrin

    The Roman governor

    The king

    22:47 – 23:2522:66-71

    23:1-7 Pilate

    23:8-12 Herod

    22:30 – 26:3222:30-23:11

    24 Felix, 25:1-12 Festus

    25:13-26:32 Agrippa

    Both Jesus and Paul are in complete control of their situation and are achieving their goal 23:43, 24:46-47Jesus’ goal in suffering: to die for the forgiveness of sins 27-28Paul’s goal in suffering: to get to Rome so that the gospel might go to the world

    The Holy Spirit

    At work in the past

    Through the Old Testament prophets

    • 1:16 The Holy Spirit spoke through David in the Psalms
    • 4:25 The Holy Spirit spoke through David
    • 28:25 The Holy Spirit spoke through Isaiah

    Through Jesus

    • 1:2 Jesus gave instructions through the Spirit
    • 1:5 Jesus promises baptism with the Holy Spirit
    • 10:38 God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit

    Enabling the disciples to bear witness

    • 1:8 They will receive power from the Holy Spirit to be witnesses
    • 1:24-26 God chooses Matthias to continue as witness because Judas betrayed
    • 4:8 The Holy Spirit fills Peter and enables him to speak the word of God
    • 4:31 After persecution, all the believers are filled with the Holy Spirit and enabled to speak the word of God boldly
    • 5:32 The Holy Spirit is a witness together with Peter and the apostles
    • 6:3,5 A criterion for choosing the seven is that they are full of the Holy Spirit
    • 7:55 Stephen’s vision of glory happens as he is full of the Holy Spirit
    • 11:24 Barnabas is full of the Holy Spirit

    Providing signs and wonders, further enabling the disciples to bear witness

    • 1:8 They will receive power from the Holy Spirit to be witnesses
    • 3 Miracle with lame man allows Peter to address the onlookers
    • 8:6 Phillip does miraculous signs and the crowds pay attention
    • 9:42 Many believe in the Lord as Peter does miraculous healings
    • 13:9 Saul opposes Elymas the sorcerer full of the Holy Spirit
    • 14:3 God confirms Paul’s message by signs and wonders
    • 19:11-12 Paul does extraordinary miracles

    As a sign of salvation

    • 2:4 The Spirit fills them and enables them to speak in other tongues
    • 2:17-18 God had promised to pour out his Spirit on all people in Joel – this is the sign of salvation
    • 2:33 The exalted Christ, at the right hand of the Father, pours out the Spirit
    • 2:38 Those who repent and are baptised will also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
    • 8:14-17 The Samaritans receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, subsequent to their baptism into the name of Christ
    • 9:17 Saul is filled with the Holy Spirit then baptised
    • 10:44-48 The Holy Spirit comes upon the Gentile believers, enabling them to speak in tongues and praise God, so they are baptised with water
    • 11:15-16 This is seen as a “baptism with the Holy Spirit”
    • 15:8, 12 The giving of the Holy Spirit is evidence that God had accepted the Gentiles
    • 19:1-6 The Spirit comes upon those who had only been baptised with John’s baptism

    Directing the plan of evangelism

    • 8:29, 39 The Spirit guides Philip to and form the Ethiopian Eunuch
    • 9:10-16 The Lord tells Ananias to baptise Saul in a vision
    • 10:9-16 A God-given vision encourages Peter to go to the “unclean” Gentiles
    • 10:19, 11:12 The Holy Spirit guides Peter to the Gentiles
    • 11:28 The Holy Spirit works through Agabus in Antioch to predict the famine
    • 13:2-4 The Holy Spirit chooses and sends Barnabas and Saul
    • 16:6-7 The Spirit prevents them from entering Asia and Bithynia and instead directs them to Macedonia. Against Paul’s original intentions to cover old ground, the Holy Spirit wants him to break new ground.
    • 19:21 Paul’s plan to go to Jerusalem is “in the Spirit”
    • 20:22 Paul is compelled by the Spirit to go to Jerusalem
    • 20:23 The Holy Spirit warns Paul that prisons and hardship await him
    • 21:4 The disciples urge Paul not to go to Jerusalem through the Spirit
    • 21:11 The Holy Spirit warns Paul of his imprisonment through Agabus

    Strengthening the established churches

    • 2:42-47 God does miracles, strengthens and increases the church
    • 5:13 Retribution by Holy Spirit ensures that insincere people do not join the church, although many do still join
    • 9:31 The Holy Spirit encouraged, grew and strengthened the church in a time of peace
    • 12 God miraculously saves Peter and the whole church from Herod
    • 13:52 In Pisidian Antioch the disciples are full of joy and the Holy Spirit
    • 15:28 The Holy Spirit is at work in the letter from the council of Jerusalem
    • 18:9-10 The Lord encourages Paul in a vision and he stays in Corinth for 1½ years
    • 20:28 The Holy Spirit has established the overseers of the Ephesian church


    • 5:3, 9 Ananias and Sapphira lie to and test the Holy Spirit, and are killed by God for it
    • 6:10 The synagogue of the freedmen could stand up neither against Stephen nor the Spirit by whom he spoke
    • 7:51 Stephen’s charge against the Jews is that they resist the Holy Spirit
    • 8:18-19 The Spirit is given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands; Simon tries to buy this ability

    The message

    Passage Preacher Location Recipients Creation Sin Death of Jesus Resur-rection (esp. of Jesus) Witnesses to resurrection Lordship of Jesus Holy Spirit Fulfillment of OT Salvation All nations The future Call for Response Result of response
    2:14-40 Peter Jerusalem Jews from all nations Jews killed Christ b/c of God’s purposeb/c of people’s sin Shows that he is descendant of David, Messiah Y Both Lord and Christ Jesus now pouring Spirit outSpirit promised to penitent Joel From this corrupt generation RepentBe baptised Forgiveness
    3:12-26 Peter Jerusalem temple Temple worshippers Jews killed Christ b/c Jews killed him (in ignorance)b/c prophets said Christ would suffer Glorified by GodGod raised him from the dead Y Jesus is the Christ – with God in heaven Prophets predicted suffering of ChristMoses predicted coming of a prophet

    All prophets have foretold this

    Lame man healed through faith in JesusChrist will return from heaven to restore everything Christ will return from heaven to restore everything – times of refreshing RepentTurn to God Sins wiped outTimes of refreshing

    Sending of the Christ

    4:2 Apostles Jerusalem Jews “In Jesus the resurrection of the dead” “In Jesus the resurrection of the dead” “In Jesus the resurrection of the dead” “In Jesus the resurrection of the dead”
    4:8-12 Peter Jerusalem Sanhedrin Jews killed ChristRejected the “capstone” Jews crucified God raised from dead “Jesus Christ of Nazareth”Stone has become the capstone Psalm 118 – Jesus is the rejected stone become the capstone Lame man healed in Christ’s nameSalvation only found in name of Jesus
    5:29-32 Sanhedrin Jews killed Christ Jews killed God raised from dead YHoly Spirit is witness also Jesus exalted to right hand of God as Prince Witness of resurrectionGiven to those who obey Jesus Jesus exalted to right hand of God as saviour Jesus to give repentance to IsraelObedience Jesus to give forgiveness of sins to IsraelHoly Spirit given
    7 Stephen Jerusalem Synagogue of Freedmen Rejecting prophets. Killed Christ Betrayed and murdered by Jews Jesus standing at right hand of God People always resist the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit always resisted by Israel
    8:35 Phillip Southern Judah Ethiopian Eunuch Jesus died for sin of people Predicted in Isaiah – for the sin of the peopl Jesus fulfills Isaiah Baptism
    9:19-22 Saul Damascus Jews Jesus is Son of God, Christ
    10:34-48 Peter Caesarea Household of Cornelius Jews killed Jesus God raised him from the dead God caused Jesus to be seenApostles are special witnesses Jesus Christ is Lord of allJesus appointed as judge God anointed Jesus with Holy Spirit and power Jesus healed those under power of devilPeace through Jesus God accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right Jesus appointed as judge of living and dead Believe in Jesus Forgiveness of sins
    13:16-41 Paul Pisidian Antioch synagogue Jews and god-fearing Gentiles Forgiveness of sins and justification is proclaimed through Jesus Done by JewsFulfillment of prophets God raised himProves he is the son of David Those who had travelled with him Jesus greater than John the Baptist Brief OT history:Jesus is son of David, promised saviour

    Jesus’ death fulfils prophets

    Jesus’ resurrection fulfils Psalms

    Jesus is saviourSalvation is for us.

    Forgiveness of sins proclaimed through Jesus

    Justification where law is impotent

    Preached to both Jews and God-fearing Gentiles If you scoff you will perish BelieveDo not scoff Forgiveness, justification where law of Moses is impotent
    14:15-17 Paul Lystra Crowds who think Paul is a god The Living God made heaven, earth, sea, creatures Pagan idolatryIn the past, God overlooked sin God gave some testimony in the past – e.g. rain, food, etc In the past, God overlooked gentile idolatry, but now they should turn to him Turn to living God
    16:31 Paul Philippi Jailer Contingent on belief Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ You will be saved
    17:2-4 Paul Thessalonica Jews in synagogue Scriptures show that christ had to suffer Scriptures show that christ had to suffer Jesus is the Christ Paul reasons and explains from the Scriptures
    17:18 Paul Athens Philosophers “The good news about Jesus and the resurrection” “The good news about Jesus and the resurrection” “The good news about Jesus and the resurrection”
    17:22-31 Paul Athens Philosophers God made the worldLord of heaven and earth

    Sustains all men

    God is not an idol or statue. This is ignorance (God overlooked in the past) Proof that Jesus is the eschatological judge Resurrection is proof that Jesus is the eschatological judge God set up nations so that men would seek for him God set up nations so that men would seek for him, but he is not far from us. All people commanded to repent A day is set when God will judge the world by the man he has appointed Repent Implied: escape from judgment to come
    19:4 Paul Ephesus Believers in John the Baptist Jesus was the one who came after John Believe in the one coming after John – Jesus

    Summary of the message

    Passage Preacher Location Recipients Creation All nations Sin Resurrection of Jesus Witnesses to resurrection Lordship of Jesus Salvation The future Call for Response Result of response Holy Spirit Death of Jesus Fulfillment of OT

    One-sentence summaries

    4:2 Apostles Jerusalem Jews





    16:31 Paul Philippi Jailer




    17:18 Paul Athens Philosophers




    19:4 Paul Ephesus Believers in John the Baptist



    To Jews

    2:14-40 Peter Jerusalem Jews from all nations











    3:12-26 Peter Jerusalem temple Temple worshippers











    4:8-12 Peter Jerusalem Sanhedrin







    5:29-32 Sanhedrin










    7 Stephen Jerusalem Synagogue of Freedmen






    9:19-22 Saul Damascus Jews


    17:2-4 Paul Thessalonica Jews in synagogue





    To God-fearing Gentiles

    8:35 Phillip Southern Judah Ethiopian Eunuch





    10:34-48 Peter Caesarea Household of Cornelius











    13:16-41 Paul Pisidian Antioch synagogue Jews and god-fearing Gentiles












    To pagan Gentiles

    14:15-17 Paul Lystra Crowds who think Paul is a god






    17:22-31 Paul Athens Philosophers










    Overall message

    Believe in the Lord Jesus for salvation because his resurrection means our resurrection.

    To Jews

    • Lordship of Jesus is most prominent
    • “Sin” described as rejecting Jesus or his prophets
    • Themes of creation and all nations absent

    To God-fearing Gentiles

    • Theme of “all nations” added

    To Pagan Gentiles

    • Theme of “creation” added (in addition to “all nations”)
    • “Sin” described as idolatry
    • Themes of Old Testament fulfilment and Jesus’ death are absent



