Remember the Horn of Africa

The causes of famine in Somalia are many and complex: politics, corruption, war, greed; the list goes on. At this particular moment, however, what is needed most urgently is funds to buy food. Unicef says that if they can buy food, they can get it to where it’s needed.

Apparently we haven’t taken this crisis seriously enough because we’ve been distracted by other news stories; stories about foam pies thrown at Rupert Murdoch, for example.

If you’re in the UK, you can donate to Unicef here. If you know of any other charities or channels through which funds can be given to get food urgently to Somalia, please comment.




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One response to “Remember the Horn of Africa”

  1. Di

    Hi Lionel

    The Horn of Africa Famine Crisis Appeal from Sydney Anglicans…

    cheers Di (Howard)