NEXUS Conference 2014

Nexus2014The NEXUS ministry conference is happening on 26 May 2014 at the Village Church, Annandale. I’ve signed up. If you’re involved in evangelical Christian ministry, especially in Sydney, I encourage you to hop over to the website and sign up too.

From the NEXUS conference website:

Nexus is an evangelical ministry conference, based in Sydney but available worldwide through a live webcast. Our aim is to bring together trainees, theology students, teachers and pastors to sharpen one another theologically, to share ideas and encouragement in ministry and to build a partnership of fellow-workers in the task our Lord has given us.

At Nexus, our vision is to have a ministry conference:

  • where we are stretched and stimulated biblically and theologically;
  • where we sharpen and help each other to translate good theology into everyday ministry practice;
  • where we are encouraged and emboldened by the teaching of the Bible and the fellowship of brothers and sisters;
  • where trainees, theological students and new graduates can rub shoulders with longer-serving pastors;
  • where we aim to keep real life and ministry at the fore and resist the temptations of celebrity-culture and pure pragmatism;
  • where the logistics are convenient and inexpensive.

Key features of the program

  • A high value one-day conference that maximizes our time together;
  • an integrated program of Bible, theology, current issues and practical ministry;
  • theologically sharp speakers and contributors who know first-hand the challenges of ministry in Sydney and Australia;
  • time for catching up and making new friends;
  • time for lunch with other delegates at a wide range of local eateries;
  • a sit-down dinner with all the other delegates.

Nexus Program

This year’s Nexus conference is happening on Monday May 26th and focuses on mapping the ‘DNA’ of gospel ministry.

  • What ministry culture would we want to see in all our churches and fellowships?
  • How would we isolate and describe these fundamentals from the Bible?
  • How then would these basic principles be put into action and expressed and replicated in all the different contexts in which we serve?
Time Description Speaker
10:30am Morning tea and registration
11:00am Setting the Scene Tony Payne
Preaching the whole counsel of God: Acts 20:17-38 Peter Jensen
Abounding in the work of the Lord: The eschatological priority of gospel work for every Christian Peter Orr
1:00pm Lunch – either bring your own or visit one of the many local cafes or eateries
2:00pm Isolating the DNA: Does the NT have a theology of ministry? Archie Poulos
What does it look like? Practitioners talk about how the Bible’s ministry DNA drives their practice. Peter Sholl, Alison Napier, Dave Sheath, Craig Schafer, David Martin
Afternoon tea – provided
4:00pm Corrupting the Code: How do we lose sight of the basics? Richard Chin
Controversy Corner: Portfolio pastoring and congregational pastoring – which to choose? Peter Bolt, Dave Sheath, Phil Colgan
6:00pm Dinner together – provided
7:30pm Replication: What the dreaded “training” word really means and why it is essential Carl Matthei & Phil Colgan


For more info about the conference and registration, go to the conference website.



