Faculty Profile – Moore College

My “Q&A” faculty profile is in the Moore Matters newsletter, Winter 2015. It includes:

What is your role at Moore College and what would you like to accomplish here?

In terms of my teaching role, I am a lecturer in the New Testament department. This year I am teaching subjects in New Testament Greek, Mark’s Gospel, and biblical Hebrew. Yes, I know that Hebrew is the original language of the Old Testament, not the New Testament! But I enjoy teaching both biblical languages and actually it makes a lot of sense. My research interests centre on the Old Testament / Jewish context of the New Testament writings, and on the biblical theological underpinnings of Christian ministry. My PhD was about the way in which Paul’s apostolic ministry was shaped by his identity as an Israelite, more recently I have written on the use of Genesis 17 in Galatians 3, and I’m currently writing on the Jewish context of Ephesians / Colossians.

What would you like to accomplish?

I long for the students to be gripped and transformed by God’s word, so that they are equipped to speak God’s word faithfully and appropriately into the various life situations of those under their care. I want them to be rapt in the depth, the richness, the insight, the surprise, the delight, the power, of God’s word; to be equipped to preach God’s word, in the power of God’s Spirit, into the hearts and lives of their hearers. Deep engagement with the biblical texts in their original languages is a key way to do this, so it’s a great privilege to have the opportunity to teach these things.

Click below for the whole Q&A in the Moore Matters newsletter – the profile is on page 10.Moore-Matters-Winter-2015-Cover



