Recently the Magnolia Magazine at Moore College conducted an interview with Dr Claire Smith about teaching and learning in the Bible. The interview has recently been republished at the Equal but Different website.
Claire is an expert in the language of “teaching” and “learning” in the New Testament. Her academic work on the subject has received very good reviews (see the reviews at the Society of Biblical Literature and Themelios). I have a special interest in Claire’s work as I was one of the authors who contributed a minor essay in the book Women, Sermons and the Bible. In that book, Claire discussed and critiqued a particular view of the verb “teach” in the Pastoral Epistles. But of course the significance of Claire’s work is far broader than the particular issue of preaching sermons.
The interview with Claire demonstrates many of the insights that Claire has gained from her in-depth study of New Testament teaching vocabulary and spells out some practical implications. She says:
At the heart of Christian life and ministry are the desire and goal to know Christ and to make him known—and when it’s put like that, it’s easy to see that learning and teaching are at the heart of Christian life and ministry!