Security Threat. Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Finding security in an insecure world

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Lionel Windsor
Lionel Windsor lectures in New Testament at Moore College, Sydney.

A year ago today, the brutal terror attacks on a Christchurch Mosque gave rise to shock, fear, and deep insecurity in our world. One year later, as efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic ramp up, we are yet again faced with the reality of how fragile and uncertain our lives and communities are. And we are, yet again, faced with the question of security. I wrote the following reflection on security following the Christchurch shootings, but it is equally relevant to our current situation.

Do you feel secure? Here is a passage from the Bible that speaks directly to this question:

And God raised us together with Christ, and seated us together with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he could demonstrate the outstanding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2:6–7

The apostle Paul is talking here about a security that belongs to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. It’s not a guarantee of perfect safety from sickness, or national security or job security or financial security or security in relationships. But it is still a real security, more unshakeable and deep-rooted than any other kind of security could be. So what is this security, and where does it come from?

Present security

To understand what Paul is saying here, we need a bit of background. Up to this point in Ephesians chapter 2, Paul has been describing our “salvation”. We were spiritually “dead” because our offences against God had brought God’s “wrath” on us (verses 1–3). But God has loved us despite all of this, and has “made us alive” together with Christ (verses 4–5). God has transformed our identity; he has made us new people, with our hope and our lives set on Christ and the new creation that will come. And all of this is God’s gift to us: “it is by grace that you are saved” (verse 5). This is amazing, isn’t it? In fact, Paul could have stopped at this point and he would have already given us some mind-blowing things to reflect on and praise God for. But Paul doesn’t stop. He goes on to say something else. And what he says is even more profound.

It’s not only that God has brought us from death to life. God has also “raised us together with Christ and seated us together with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”. This is a description of victory, power and security. Back in chapter 1 (verses 19–21), Paul had used these words to talk about Christ himself. God raised Christ from the dead, and exalted him to heaven. Christ is seated in the heavenly places, sharing the throne of his Father in heaven. That means Christ is greater than everyone and everything in this universe—greater than the spiritual powers, and greater than anything that could ever threaten us. Now, Paul says that those who believe in Christ share that place with him. We’ve been raised with him and we’ve been seated with him. That means we have a security that nothing can take away. If we have Christ, we have everything. If we’ve staked our lives on Christ, then what God has already done for Christ is as good as done for us. This is all underwritten by the fact that Jesus himself is risen from the dead.

Future security

Paul then goes even further. It’s not just about present security; it’s about future security. There is a reason that God has now raised and seated us with Christ: “so that in the coming ages he could demonstrate the outstanding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” This is a glimpse of what eternal life will look like for those who believe in Christ. It tells us what we have to look forward to when our bodies are raised in that new creation. Paul here doesn’t say everything about our future, but he does tell us some very significant things. Our future is not about playing an eternal game of golf. Our future is not about floating around on clouds quietly strumming harps in freshly laundered nightwear. Our future resurrection life is about enjoying the incredible kindness of God in all its depth and richness. It’s about praising God as he shows us “the outstanding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us in Christ Jesus”. Our future involves incredible, extravagant blessings from God, being showered on us, to his glory. This is something to stop and wonder at, isn’t it? This is something to lift our eyes to, and remember. It means that our future is secure in Christ Jesus.

Sun over city

A question of security

Those who believe in Jesus Christ have great security: now and forever. Even now, we are “raised with him” and share in his victory. In the future, when our bodies are raised, we will enjoy the incredible depth and richness of God’s kindness towards us. This is our security.

So what about all those other security questions? What about those questions about health and safety and jobs and finances and relationships? Of course, God often gives us these things, and we can thank God whenever he does. But none of them is ultimately secure, is it? It’s the security that we have in Christ Jesus that puts all those things into perspective. In fact, it’s often when those things are taken away that we see the deeper security we have in Christ shining through even more clearly. I’ve certainly felt the need to rely on the security I have in Christ when I’ve had other sources of security taken away. Time after time, I’ve seen it happen to my brothers and sisters in Christ—as they have lost jobs, houses, children, spouses, physical health, mental health, and more.

For those who believe in Christ, our deepest, most fundamental security is in him. We don’t always feel it, of course. We are indeed weak, and broken, and feeble. That’s why we need to keep being reminded where our real security lies. This is a question of security that we need to ask ourselves, isn’t it? In good times and bad, where will we look for our security?

For reflection

Where do you tend to look for your own security?

How might reflecting on the security you have in Christ help you to live for him?

Audio podcast

Want more?

Order the book companion to this series:

Ephesians Bible Guide by Lionel Windsor
Ephesians Bible Guide by Lionel Windsor

This post is part of a series of 70 reflections covering every sentence in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. It’s also available in audio podcast format. You can see all the posts in the series, and connect to the audio podcast using the platform of your choice, by following this link.

The academic details behind these reflections

Reading Ephesians & Colossians After Supersessionism: Christ's Mission through Israel to the Nations

In this series, I don’t go into detail justifying every statement I make about the background and meaning of Ephesians. I’ve done that elsewhere. If you’re interested in the reasons I say what I say here, and want to chase it up further with lots of ancient Greek, technical stuff, and footnotes, check out my book Reading Ephesians and Colossians After Supersessionism: Christ’s Mission through Israel to the Nations.


