A sermon preached by Lionel Windsor at Moore College Chapel on 29 July 2020.
- Israel’s failed commitment (vv. 1–4)
- Two kinds of righteousness (vv. 5–13)
- The nature of gospel ministry comes from the nature of the gospel (vv. 14–18)
- Israel’s failure (vv. 19–21)
For more details on my exegesis of the passage, see:
- Paul’s vocation: The framework for Romans 9–11
- Paul is not offering himself as a substitute in Romans 9:3
- Human speech–a neglected element of Romans 10
- The “End of the Law” (Romans 10:4)
- Speech not works (Romans 10:8-10)
- “How beautiful are the feet of those who evangelise” – it’s about Paul’s Gentile mission after all (Romans 10:14-18)