Here’s a tribute to our online chapel experience in mid-2020 at Moore College, in the full spirit of parody. I wrote it for our Moore College Revue (19 October 2020), and had much fun performing it with Jordan Smith and Monique New – thanks guys!
It’s based on the idea of a similar parody my fellow student Dave Hann and I wrote about the Moore College chapel experience in 2004, but updated for the new Covid-iso online chapel conditions of 2020. Be warned that the song contains many “you had to be there” jokes which you’ll only fully get if you experienced Moore College online chapel 2020. But if you’ve had any kind of iso or online church experience, you’ll probably relate to something here. Enjoy!
Video here – lyrics below:
Verse 1: When I find myself in times of trouble,
Brother Shead, he emails me
links to words of wisdom: liturgy.
And in my hour of iso,
they are sitting right in front of me,
reading words of wisdom: liturgy.
Chorus: Liturgy, liturgy, liturgy, liturgy,
Beaming words of wisdom: liturgy.
Verse 2: And when the scattered college people
living in the world agree,
there will be connection: liturgy.
For though the wifi’s patchy,
there is still a chance that they will see.
“Mark, your mike is muted.” Liturgy.
Chorus x2: Liturgy, liturgy, liturgy, liturgy, …
“Wait while reconnecting.” Liturgy.
Liturgy, liturgy, liturgy, liturgy,
wifi words of wisdom, liturgy.
Organ solo
Chorus: Liturgy, liturgy, liturgy, liturgy,
wifi words of wisdom, liturgy.
Verse 3: And when the prayers are over,
there’s a frozen screen that shines on me.
Shine until tomorrow, liturgy.
I wake up to the sound of music,
halfway through verse two or three.
Precious words of wisdom: liturgy.
Chorus x2: Liturgy, liturgy, liturgy, yeah, liturgy.
No more morning tea, just liturgy.
Liturgy, liturgy, liturgy, yeah, liturgy.
Precious words of wisdom, liturgy.