Truth Be Told | Truth, Reality, Lies

Interview about Truth Be Told on CCL Podcast

Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World

Here’s a 25-minute interview about my book Truth be told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world at the Centre for Christian Living Podcast with my friend and colleague Peter Orr.

Jesus told his disciples that he is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). The truth is absolutely vital to us as Christians. But in an era of fake news, media spin and social media manipulation, it’s never been more important as Christians that we are clear on what the truth is and how we as Christians should live as truthful people.

In this episode, Peter Orr talks to Lionel Windsor about his new book, Truth Be Told, which sees to help Christians live truthfully in a post-truth world.

The interview is 25 minutes of audio; there’s also a transcript available.

Truth Be Told | Truth, Reality, Lies
Centre for Christian Living interview on Truth Be Told


