Romans chapter 16 contains many excellent insights. It especially highlights the ministries of men and women working in partnership. But the chapter is often neglected in church preaching and teaching programs based on Romans.
In this video, I help preachers and teachers to see how Romans 16 — especially the reference to Andronicus and Junia who are “notable among the apostles” — is not an isolated series of thoughts, but is profoundly connected to the gospel Paul preaches, which promotes missionary partnership and overturns human categories of honour and shame.
I also want to honour Jane Tooher, who inspired and encouraged this article and gave me the chance to present it first as paper at the Moore College Priscilla and Aquila Centre Conference. Jane is a long-term fellow member of the Faculty of Moore Theological College who has done and continues to do a tremendous work promoting the ministries of women in partnership with men. Jane is soon returning to the coal face of parish ministry. This is a vocation she loves deeply–but we’ll certainly miss her here at Moore!
This video is designed to accessible to all and based on an academic article I’ve just had published in the Bulletin for Biblical Research called “Junia, Missionary Partnership, and Honor: The Discourse Function of Romans 16:7”.