- The Bible alone: what does that mean in practice?
- Paul’s Apostolic Ministry as Presented in the Book of Acts
- Christianity and evolution – the real problem
- Justification and Sanctification: Biblical Definitions and Modern Misunderstandings
- Desire: reconnected (Song of Songs 7-8)
- Indicative and Imperative in the Letters of Paul
- Is the wisdom literature of the Old Testament an exercise in natural theology?
- Women Preaching to Mixed Adult Congregations: A detailed reading of 1 Timothy 2:8-15 in reply to John Stott’s position
- The Fulfilment of the Covenants: an Acovenantal Perspective on Paul
- The New Perspective on Paul: Summary and Reflections
- The Minister and the Ministers
- The Suffering and Joy of the Minister
- The wisdom of the minister
- Sola Scriptura
- Why we must be seeker sensitive
- Mortification
- Nowism
- Countering nowism
- Welcoming children
- What’s wrong with drunkenness?
- Bringing the Bible alive?
- The problem with social justice
- Stranger evangelism
- The Life of Jesus on TV
- The End of the World as We Know It
- Is God Green #1: God, the World and Us
- Faithfulness, Big and Small
- Is God Green #2: God, the World and Jesus
- Debating order in the Trinity
- The worst role model in history?
- The Bible doesn’t say
- Is God Green #3: God and the Future of the World
- Sermon series: Get With The Program
- A key point at which N.T. Wright is just plain wrong
- Improve your biblical word power 1: Righteousness
- Funeral Message for Angela Janice Richards, aged 1½
- Improve your biblical word power 2: Forensic righteousness
- Improve your biblical word power 3: Justification
- Improve your biblical word power 4: Atonement
- Using your biblical word power: Justification through Atonement
- Improve your theological word power: Imputation
- The arrogance of a theological liberal
- Is Anyone Righteous?
- The Development and Significance of the Remnant in the Old Testament Prophets
- What is this thing we call the local church?
- Thomas Cranmer the Protestant reformer during the reign of King Henry VIII
- Jesus, the Son of Man, as presented in the Gospel of John
- Replacing the Spirit with the sacraments
- Silence about the Spirit
- Heavy metal for kids on iTunes – Ben Pakula
- Jesus and Cancer
- The most authentic – and heartwrenching – Christmas message I’ve heard this year
- The language of Chalcedon
- So you think you can serve?
- Acovenantalism: the series
- Bibliography for the series on acovenantalism
- What Saint Paul Rarely Said
- How should you look for ‘covenantal’ ideas in Paul?
- Some important features of Paul’s use of the word ‘covenant’
- What’s the precise meaning of the word ‘covenant’ in the Old Testament?
- The two covenants with Abraham – Part 1 (Genesis 12)
- The two covenants with Abraham – part 2 (Genesis 15, 17 and 22)
- What is the significance of circumcision in Genesis?
- The Gospel and Ageing
- Be careful what you promise
- Two kinds of covenant at Sinai: law and mediation
- Permanent link to acovenantalism series
- Cross-shaped Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1)
- The two-fold covenantal relationship in the prophets: with Israel, for the nations
- Covenants in Cloudcuckooland and the Greek Old Testament
- Covenants in Second Temple Judaism
- The sectarian covenants of Qumran and the New Perspective
- God, the universe and all that: Part 1
- The covenants in the background to Paul’s letters – a summary
- The covenants in Galatians 3:15-22 – Introduction
- The word ‘covenant’ in Galatians 3:15
- God, the universe and all that: Part 2
- God, the universe and all that: Part 3
- God, the universe and all that: Part 5
- The singular seed of Galatians 3:16
- Improve your Biblical Word Power – the series
- The ratification of the covenant in Galatians 3:17
- Postscript: Why the New Perspective claims that “righteousness” means “covenant faithfulness” – and why it’s wrong
- The mediator in Galatians 3:20
- Re-reading Doug Campbell
- The Purpose of the Law in Galatians 3
- The Greatest Expectations
- Loving what God Loves
- Talks on the Authority and Sufficiency of the Bible
- Righteousness: neither substance nor status
- The Individual and the Community in Paul
- Rereading Doug Campbell to help us preach the gospel
- Before you criticise any past writer, remember…
- Jesus at work: trading places
- The quality of “Righteousness” is not strained
- Suffering and decision-making
- Are the Gentiles included in Israel?
- Word and Action
- Innasense
- The Federal Myopia
- Happy 400th Birthday, King James Bible
- Keeping the Solas Together
- I’m sayin’ something
- “Until” is not as significant as it’s made out to be (Romans 11:25)
- “Justification” and “righteousness” are not the same
- The olive tree is not about Gentiles joining Israel (Romans 11:17-24)
- Free Easter Day Sermon Illustration / Introduction
- And while I’m at it – here’s another Easter sermon illustration
- Is God Green Part 1: God, the World and Jesus
- Is God Green Part 2: God and the Future of the World
- Doctrines Under Threat 1: Nothing’s Right without Justification
- Doctrines Under Threat 2: Union with Christ
- Doctrines Under Threat 3: Nowism
- The problem with John Piper’s view of justification
- The Doubting Believer
- What did the apostle Paul really care about? At a glance…
- Scripture and the Authority of God – again
- It ain’t over till it’s over
- Brian Rosner on Paul and the Law
- Remember the Horn of Africa
- In praise of holiness
- Paul and the Law by Brian Rosner – free download of lecture series
- Jedi masters and the body of Christ
- Pet food, pornography, and the law
- Luther On Law
- Review of David J. Rudolph / A Jew to the Jews
- God’s Word versus Religion (1 Kings 17-18)
- God’s Word versus the Prophet (1 Kings 19)
- Evangelicals and the slave trade
- God’s Word versus the Kingdom (1 Kings 21)
- When the offended decide to go on the offensive
- Speech and Salvation: Conference Package
- Anglicanism for dummies (and for everyone else)
- With gratitude for a rich (and ongoing) biblical and theological legacy – Moore College
- Identity and reality in the modern Australian and ancient Jewish diasporas
- Not My People: Gentiles as Exiles in Pauline Hermeneutics
- A new morality: child death and suffering is the price we must pay for sexual freedom?
- Same sex marriage: why are so many Christians opposed?
- Are we really devoted to the public reading of Scripture? (Scott Newling, Cambridge)
- PhD thesis: approved and now available online (Paul and the Vocation of Israel)
- Borrowing beasts & paying preachers: Why Paul’s use of the Old Testament makes sense
- Listening to the law without being under the law (a sermon on Exodus 20:22-23:19)
- There is no difference: Kurrajong Ministry Training Fund keynote address
- Having your heart in your mouth (Romans 10:1-13)
- Speech and the Spirit
- What’s happening to our preaching? A response to John Dickson: Hearing Her Voice: A Case for Women Giving Sermons
- “In Defence of Inadequate Books on Preaching”: John Dickson replies to my critique of Hearing Her Voice
- “Teaching” in the pastoral letters and today: a brief reply
- Hearing her Voice – Some Personal Reflections by Dani Treweek
- Knowing Christ
- Knowing Christ – Together
- Making Christ Known
- Making Christ Known. Together.
- Creedal Controversies: Incarnate
- Book: Paul and the Vocation of Israel
- Review: Roger Mohrlang. Paul and His Life-Transforming Theology: A Concise Introduction.
- How does Paul’s Jewish identity inform his apostolic ministry?
- Album: Masterplan – Ben Pakula
- The vocational dimension of Jewish identity in the New Testament
- Romans: An exercise in Jewish vocation
- Does the metaphor of the olive tree (Romans 11:17-24) undermine the notion of Jewish distinctiveness in Paul’s thought?
- “We are the circumcision” (Philippians 3:3) is a reference to Jewish preachers (i.e. Paul and Timothy), not to all Christians
- “The Israel of God” (Galatians 6:16): gospel-believing Jewish teachers
- A guilt-free Easter
- Review: Brian S. Rosner. Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God.
- When Paul used the word “Judaism” in Galatians 1:13-14, what was he talking about?
- What was Paul’s former “zeal”? Divine jealous passion for Israel’s purity
- Book – Women, sermons and the Bible: Essays interacting with John Dickson’s “Hearing Her Voice”
- Paul describes his ministry in terms of Isaiah’s “Servant of the Lord” (Romans 1:1)
- Paul’s priestly ministry in Romans 15: a fulfilment of Isaiah 60-61
- Paul did not proselytise
- The “obedience of faith” in its prophetic context (Romans 1:5)
- Preachers and Leaders Preface: The publication history of Hearing Her Voice
- Preachers and Leaders 1: A separation of preaching and leadership?
- Romans 2:17-29 is an argument about Jewish Identity
- Preachers and Leaders 2: The speech of shepherd-leaders in the New Testament
- The social context of Romans 2:17–29: the Jewish synagogue
- Preachers and Leaders 3: Preaching as congregational leadership: a venerable history
- Romans 2:17 is referring to a “publicly recognized Jew”
- Preachers and Leaders 4: Preaching and congregational leadership today
- The structure of Romans 2:17-29
- Jewish identity and the Law of Moses (Romans 2:17-20)
- “Are we worse off?” or “Are we better off?”? (Romans 3:9)
- The identity of Paul’s interlocutor in Romans 2:17-29
- Speaking Up: The Privilege of Prayer
- Andrew Heard: “Women and ‘teaching’ : What is Paul prohibiting in 1 Timothy 2:12?”
- It’s Time to Speak Out
- What does it mean to “rob temples” in Romans 2:22?
- Who is the uncircumcised Law-keeper in Romans 2:26-27?
- Comments on two blog posts by John Dickson
- Instruments of Peace – Neutral Bay Multifaith Service 2014
- Romans 2:29 is not saying that all Christians are “spiritually circumcised”
- “Praise from people” in Romans 2:29 is describing an ideal synagogue teacher
- Andrew Heard: “A Brief Response to John Dickson’s Response to My Response”
- Paul’s vocation: The framework for Romans 9–11
- Paul is not offering himself as a substitute in Romans 9:3
- Human speech–a neglected element of Romans 10
- Review: C. Marvin Pate. Apostle of the Last Days: The Life, Letters, and Theology of Paul.
- The “End of the Law” (Romans 10:4)
- His shame, my shame
- Jesus Christ and the Revolution of Destiny
- Jesus Christ and the Revolution of Security (Romans 2:17-29)
- Jesus Christ and the Revolution of Calling
- Publication notice: The Seed, the Many and the One in Galatians 3:16
- Preaching sermons and leading congregations: what’s the connection? (Exploring some implications)
- Speech not works (Romans 10:8-10)
- Justification by Faith Only: the doctrine on which the church falls or stands?
- “How beautiful are the feet of those who evangelise” – it’s about Paul’s Gentile mission after all (Romans 10:14-18)
- Learning to live in 3D
- Why does Paul call himself an “Israelite” in Romans 11:1?
- Review: Antoine X. J. Fritz, To the Jew First or to the Jew at Last? Romans 1:16c and Jewish Missional Priority in Dialogue with Jews for Jesus
- Graeme Goldsworthy on the Gospel, Atonement, Satisfaction and Justification
- ‘Allow me to die’?
- Gospel speech: a fresh look at the relationship between every Christian and evangelism
- Did Paul reject “Judaism?”
- RBL review of my Paul and the Vocation of Israel (review by Mike Bird)
- Nexus 2016 Conference – Ministry in Exile
- Event: Learning to speak Christian in an online world (17 March)
- Gospel speech: now available as an ebook
- Learning to Speak Christian in an Online World: Video
- Coming up at Nexus16: “Are We There Yet? Exile in the Bible”
- Are We There Yet? Exile in the Bible (video)
- Teaching and learning in the Bible: An interview with Dr Claire Smith
- Paul and the Vocation of Israel: Paul within Judaism?
- Justified Only By Faith (a Sermon)
- Learning to Speak Christian in an Online World (article)
- Are we there yet? ‘Exile’ in the Bible (article)
- Gospel Speech Online
- Exile and the Christian: Podcast Episode
- Real faith in a performance dominated world
- Truthing in love
- Justification and Union with Christ in Paul – PowerPoint for paper
- Marriage redefinition: What does Romans 1:26-27 really have to say?
- The Bible and Same-Sex Marriage: A Response to Robyn Whitaker and Amy-Jill Levine
- Grace and Love. Actually. (A sermon on Deuteronomy 9-11)
- How to get a copy of Gospel Speech Online
- As I See It (by Leigh Windsor)
- Sharing gospel truth in a biblically illiterate world
- What is the Lord’s Supper? (and what to do with it)
- Cultural Encounters review of Reading Ephesians and Colossians After Supersessionism
- Interview with Sydney Anglicans about the War on Waste
- Is God Green?
- Conference: Christ, the Cross and Creation Care
- Is God Green? Audio/video links
- The Victory of the Cross
- The Amazon Fires: A Gospel Response
- Preaching sermons and shepherding the flock: What’s the connection?
- My SBL 2019 Paper on Ephesians 2:19–22
- Christian: speak the gospel… online
- Isolation and Christian Love – with Dan Wu
- What is church when we can’t gather? Thinking theologically with Dr Chase Kuhn
- Culture shock: Why everyone’s feeling it, and how to cope, with Margie and Simon Gillham @ Moore College
- Gentleness: a crucial virtue in stressful times, with Peter Orr @ Moore College
- What is church when we can’t gather? Thinking theologically with Chase Kuhn @ Moore College
- “He is risen! He is not here”: Comfort and hope in absence, with Peter Orr @MooreCollege
- The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 1, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
- The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 2, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
- The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 3, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
- The “New Normal” and the Same Old Story: Evangelism in a Virtual World
- Is “Church Online” Church? (Lionel Windsor, Mikey Lynch, Andrew Heard)
- FBS Paper: “Every construction”? Ecclesiological Plurality in Ephesians 2:19–22
- The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 2, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
- The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 3, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
- Think theologically: Your church’s relaunch (Lionel Windsor, Mikey Lynch, Andrew Heard)
- John MacArthur and “Giving to Caesar”
- What can we learn about prayer from Ephesians?
- The powerful Christian life: according to Ephesians
- What does Ephesians say about church?
- Preaching the Pastoral Epistles
- “Paul within Judaism” and Romans 2:17–29
- Bethel, Jesus, and Dove Dung
- Faith and Love in the Mess (1 Thessalonians 3:1–13)
- Jesus, Freedom and Authority in Lockdown Part 1: Prayer
- Jesus, Freedom and Authority in Lockdown Part 2: God’s Rule
- Jesus, Freedom and Authority in Lockdown Part 3: God’s Salvation
- Jesus, Freedom and Authority in Lockdown Part 4: God’s Mediator
- How I came to know Jesus
- Paul did not say he had abandoned “Judaism”
- The easiest conspiracy theory to debunk this Christmas
- The Line in the Sand: The Appellate Tribunal Opinion and the Future of the Anglican Church in Australia
- Stewardship and Generosity – Moore Q&A Video
- Vocational Ministry – Moore Q&A Video
- Gifts – Moore Q&A Video
- Honesty & Integrity – Moore Q&A Video
- How to live for God – Moore Q&A Video
- False teaching – Moore Q&A Video
- Suffering – Moore Q&A Video
- Church – Moore Q&A Video
- Finishing well – Moore Q&A Video
- It’s OK to be ambitious? Yeah … nah.
- Video: What does the Bible say about caring for the environment?
- My papers on Galatians and Ephesians at IBR/SBL 2022
- The only qualification you need to speak about Jesus
- Video: Key issues in scholarship on 1 Timothy 2:8–15
- Forthcoming Book: Truth be told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world
- The Jewel and the Sun: Justification and Union with Christ according to the Reformers
- ‘Your truth’ and the true story: How the gospel of Christ transforms our decision-making
- Interview: Truth Be Told | God’s Story Podcast
- Truth Be Told: Sample chapter and pre-order
- Interview about Truth Be Told on CCL Podcast
- Technology in a Post-Truth world: CCL Podcast
- Truth be told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world
- Gospel Seriously: The Dangerous Necessity of Goal-Driven Ministry
- We have a problem with Truth – The Pastor’s Heart
- Jesus’ resurrection: real and good (John 21)
- The book on truth a government wanted to censor
- Truth Be Told: Photo Tour
- A new book about artificial intelligence
- Book Review – Hope for God’s Creation: Stewardship in an Age of Futility
- TGCA Review of Truth Be Told
- Review of Jason Staples, Paul and the Resurrection of Israel
- Truth Be Told meets the Korean fire noodle challenge.
- Her Theology Podcast: Truth Be Told Interview
- Lies, flattery, and Artificial Intelligence
- Audiobook: Truth Be Told
- Truth Be Told audiobook: A two minute video