Forget the Channel:
Technology in a Post-Truth world: CCL Podcast
Here’s a 25-minute interview about the “technology” chapter of my book Truth be Told at the Centre for Christian Living Podcast
Book launch: Australian evangelical perspectives on youth ministry
A book I’ve contributed to with perspectives on Youth Ministry will be launched on 21 March at Youthworks College in Newtown, Sydney.
Interview about Truth Be Told on CCL Podcast
Here’s a 25-minute interview about my book Truth be told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world at the Centre for Christian Living Podcast
Pluriform Unity in Christ: Ethnicity, Race, and Reconciliation in Ephesians 2
In the vision of ethnic reconciliation and peace found in Ephesians 2, plurality of identities and perspectives is a significant factor.
I think we need to mention the war
I was glad to be one of thousands attending a peaceful rally against antisemitism in Sydney’s Domain organised by “Never Again is Now”
Heart in the Clouds by Jennifer Mistmorgan
This is a shameless plug for a book by my wonderfully talented sister: a historical Christian romance fiction set among WWII bombers.
Truth Be Told: Sample chapter and pre-order
book *Truth be told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world* is now available to pre-order. You can also read a sample chapter.
Defining Moments: My Copernican Revolution (Ephesians 1)
A defining moment in my life. A sermon preached at Auckland EV Church on 31 December, 2023, in the “Defining Moments” series.
Course: Talking with Catholics about Jesus
An opportunity to understand Catholics and have great conversations together about Christ. A new resource by Certainty4Eternity, distributed by Matthias Media. A course to consider for your church or small group 2024!
Who Am I? Identity and Freedom in Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Lady Gaga’s pop anthem “Born This Way” tells a powerful theological story about what it means to be human. In such a chaotic and confusing world, the rich truths in Romans provide valuable foundations for ministry among children and young people.
The blood that brings peace
As the tragic Israel-Gaza war rages, the message of the cross gives us a deep foundation and a vital framework for making sense of conflict.
Interview: Truth Be Told | God’s Story Podcast
How do we live truthfully in a post truth world? Why are we in a post truth world and what is a post truth world anyway? An interview about my forthcoming book Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World
At the Moore College Revue, we enjoy sending ourselves up. Here’s my contribution this year (2023): a music video with Faculty, students, family and robots.
‘Your truth’ and the true story: How the gospel of Christ transforms our decision-making
Focusing primarily on Romans 5–8, I explore how a gospel foundation grounds our decision-making when we face stories of suffering. I am writing primarily for those who have roles in making decisions in difficult situations, especially those in leadership or governance positions in churches, Christian schools and other Christian communities.
What about when things go wrong? (1 Timothy 5:17–25)
We need people to proclaim the gospel. But what about sin and moral failure in the churches we plant or the people we send? (Sermon)
1 Timothy 2 and the scholarly debate – The Pastor’s Heart
I was recently interviewed at The Pastor’s Heart, summarising my recent paper on the scholarly debate on 1 Timothy 2 and women teaching.
Respect and Honour in God’s Family (1 Timothy 5:1–16)
A sermon in Moore College Chapel, Lionel Windsor with Susan An. 1. God’s church is a family that’s both relational and ordered 2. God’s church family must especially honour its vulnerable members 3. God’s church family affirms natural family relationships and obligations 4. God’s church family needs realistic rules to truly care
The Jewel and the Sun: Justification and Union with Christ according to the Reformers
Jewellery and sunshine. These are two powerful images used by the Reformers to describe our relationship with God by his grace. The reality they illustrate is still vital for us to remember today.
Video: Key issues in scholarship on 1 Timothy 2:8–15
In the last few decades, there’s been an enormous amount of scholarship on the meaning and significance of 1 Timothy 2:8–15. The sheer range of interpretations can be bewildering, leading us to throw our arms in the air and declare that it’s all too hard, so we should all just do what is right in…
God’s Goodness in 1 Timothy
In this short article, I want to help us to grasp the fundamental goodness of 1 Timothy. I want to help us to better know and share that delight, joy, peace, and satisfaction in God’s word and his world that resounds throughout the letter. Seeing this goodness in 1 Timothy can be challenging, as we…
Journal Article: Israel and the Apostolic Mission in Ephesians and Colossians
Ephesians and Colossians, like Acts, envisage the apostolic mission of Christ as a Jew-gentile dynamic. An open access academic journal article summarizing and updating the argument in my book on Ephesians and Colossians.
The only qualification you need to speak about Jesus
Two stories: one person seemed qualified to speak about God’s grace but wasn’t; second person didn’t seem qualified but definitely was.
My papers on Galatians and Ephesians at IBR/SBL 2022
My papers at IBR/SBL 2022: How does the first half of Galatians 6:16 help us understand what Paul means by the “Israel of God”? In the united body of Christ in Ephesians, is there room for plurality?
Got any book recommendations?