Category: Bible books
Journal Article: Paul’s Jewish Prophetic Critique of Jews in Romans
The open access (free to download) peer-reviewed academic article examines Paul’s critique of Jews in Romans, focusing on Romans 1–3. It adopts an approach of reading Paul within Judaism while differing from some interpreters representative of this approach by arguing that Paul is critiquing his fellow Jews and that his critique is relevant to his…
Romans 16: Why and how should we preach it? (Video)
Romans chapter 16 contains many excellent insights. It especially highlights the ministries of men and women working in partnership. But the chapter is often neglected in church preaching and teaching programs based on Romans. In this video, I help preachers and teachers to see how Romans 16 — especially the reference to Andronicus and Junia…
Junia, Missionary Partnership, and Honor: The Discourse Function of Romans 16:7
This academic article, published in the Bulletin for Biblical Research, explores Paul’s greetings in Romans 16 in light of the gospel message he lays out in the rest of Romans and the purposes of Romans. I’ve also produced a video aimed at a less technical audience which is designed to draw out key points from…
Review of Jason Staples, Paul and the Resurrection of Israel
Jason A. Staples has recently released his important new book, Paul and the Resurrection of Israel: Jews, Former Gentiles, Israelites (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024). It enters into key debates concerning Pauline theology, is very well argued, makes some original yet compelling points, and needs to be engaged with. Here’s my own review.
Ephesians (Matthias Bible Guide)
Matthias Bible Guides assist in personal and group study of various books of the Bible. Scholar Lionel Windsor unpacks the book of Ephesians. Includes a free supplement and companion resource: Lift Your Eyes
Money and ministry: A sermon on 1 Timothy 6
An easy question: When did you last think about money? A much harder question: HOW do you think about money? In 1 Timothy 6, we see Paul applying a deep gospel framework to key issues to do with wealth: money in the lives of Christian teachers and those we teach.
The risen Lord of life and ministry: A sermon on John 21
Trying to catch fish?Jesus has it sorted. Feeling a failure?Jesus has just the job for you. Suffering and out of control? Jesus knows all about it.
Jesus’ resurrection: real and good (John 21)
Some say Jesus’ resurrection is a good story, but not real. Others believe it’s real but don’t know why it’s good. It’s both. A sermon.
Gospel Seriously: The Dangerous Necessity of Goal-Driven Ministry
What are you aiming for in your ministry? How are you planning to reach these goals? What do you have to change to make it happen? Not just in your rhetoric, but in your action? Not just in your grand visions, but in your daily routines? What good but secondary things will you abandon for…
Book Launch Panel: Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry
In this episode of the Effective Ministry podcast you will listen in on the book launch evening for ‘Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry’, edited by Dr. Ruth Lukabyo. The book, featuring contributions from Youthworks College lecturers and other authors from Australian churches and Bible colleges, aims to bridge theological principles with practical youth ministry.…
Pluriform Unity in Christ: Ethnicity, Race, and Reconciliation in Ephesians 2
In the vision of ethnic reconciliation and peace found in Ephesians 2, plurality of identities and perspectives is a significant factor.
Defining Moments: My Copernican Revolution (Ephesians 1)
A defining moment in my life. A sermon preached at Auckland EV Church on 31 December, 2023, in the “Defining Moments” series.
Who Am I? Identity and Freedom in Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Lady Gaga’s pop anthem “Born This Way” tells a powerful theological story about what it means to be human. In such a chaotic and confusing world, the rich truths in Romans provide valuable foundations for ministry among children and young people.
The blood that brings peace
As the tragic Israel-Gaza war rages, the message of the cross gives us a deep foundation and a vital framework for making sense of conflict.
‘Your truth’ and the true story: How the gospel of Christ transforms our decision-making
Focusing primarily on Romans 5–8, I explore how a gospel foundation grounds our decision-making when we face stories of suffering. I am writing primarily for those who have roles in making decisions in difficult situations, especially those in leadership or governance positions in churches, Christian schools and other Christian communities.
What about when things go wrong? (1 Timothy 5:17–25)
We need people to proclaim the gospel. But what about sin and moral failure in the churches we plant or the people we send? (Sermon)
1 Timothy 2 and the scholarly debate – The Pastor’s Heart
I was recently interviewed at The Pastor’s Heart, summarising my recent paper on the scholarly debate on 1 Timothy 2 and women teaching.
Respect and Honour in God’s Family (1 Timothy 5:1–16)
A sermon in Moore College Chapel, Lionel Windsor with Susan An. 1. God’s church is a family that’s both relational and ordered 2. God’s church family must especially honour its vulnerable members 3. God’s church family affirms natural family relationships and obligations 4. God’s church family needs realistic rules to truly care
Video: Key issues in scholarship on 1 Timothy 2:8–15
In the last few decades, there’s been an enormous amount of scholarship on the meaning and significance of 1 Timothy 2:8–15. The sheer range of interpretations can be bewildering, leading us to throw our arms in the air and declare that it’s all too hard, so we should all just do what is right in…
God’s Goodness in 1 Timothy
In this short article, I want to help us to grasp the fundamental goodness of 1 Timothy. I want to help us to better know and share that delight, joy, peace, and satisfaction in God’s word and his world that resounds throughout the letter. Seeing this goodness in 1 Timothy can be challenging, as we…
Journal Article: Israel and the Apostolic Mission in Ephesians and Colossians
Ephesians and Colossians, like Acts, envisage the apostolic mission of Christ as a Jew-gentile dynamic. An open access academic journal article summarizing and updating the argument in my book on Ephesians and Colossians.
The only qualification you need to speak about Jesus
Two stories: one person seemed qualified to speak about God’s grace but wasn’t; second person didn’t seem qualified but definitely was.
My papers on Galatians and Ephesians at IBR/SBL 2022
My papers at IBR/SBL 2022: How does the first half of Galatians 6:16 help us understand what Paul means by the “Israel of God”? In the united body of Christ in Ephesians, is there room for plurality?