Category: Exodus
Paul is not offering himself as a substitute in Romans 9:3
In my book, I argue that Paul in Romans 9:3 is acting as a representative for Israel, not offering himself as a substitute.
Listening to the law without being under the law (a sermon on Exodus 20:22-23:19)
Preached at Kurrajong Anglican Church on 26 August, 2012. Our problem with the law A few days after we got back to Australia from England, my wife had an experience that made us realize that we were well and truly back home. She was driving along Redbank Road in North Richmond, and a car coming…
Two kinds of covenant at Sinai: law and mediation
Just as there are two distinct but related covenants described in Genesis 12-22, so also there are two distinct but related covenants stemming from the events at Sinai. Firstly, there is the well-known covenant of law, which is a covenant between God and Israel. But the word “covenant” is also used to speak of another…
The second commandment
Church as we know it can sometimes be a bit weird and jarring. A few weeks ago at church, we heard an encouraging sermon on the second commandment (Exod 20:4-6). We heard that God cannot and must not be represented by or worshipped through images because images can only ever distort and misrepresent God. Yet…