Category: Genesis
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 1, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
Martin Luther famously wrote about justification by faith: “if this article stands, the church stands; if this article collapses, the church collapses” (Luther’s Works 40/3.352.3). Justification matters. Why? Because it is caught up with our status before God, our assurance of eternal life, and our freedom to live the Christian life in love for others and…
Jacob: Scoundrel, wrestler and ancestor of Christ, with Philip Kern @ Moore College
The figure of Jacob, in the pages of the Old Testament book of Genesis, is a fascinating character. The man who became known as “Israel” was in so many ways a scoundrel, yet he received God’s superabundant blessing, and through him and his descendant Jesus Christ, that blessing came to all the nations of the…
Jacob: Scoundrel, wrestler and ancestor of Christ, with Philip Kern @ Moore College
I speak with Philip Kern about his forthcoming book on Jacob, and its potential for enriching our biblical theology and teaching.
Male and female: Equality and order in Genesis 1:27
Genesis 1:27 is important in debates between egalitarians and complementarians. It clearly implies equality, yet also seems to suggest a certain order.
The Doubting Believer
A great post from Michael Jensen today about Abraham, Sarah, doubt and faith (I’m presuming it was originally a Moore College chapel sermon): The Doubting Believer I – Abram & Sarai An excerpt: The story of Abram illustrates for us that faith is not heroic. It might seem strange that the New Testament presents doubting…
A prayer request from an Aussie living in the Mother Country
From the Sola Panel I was listening the other day to a satirical comedy show on British Radio. The presenter was making a point about human relationships. The bulk of his satirical piece consisted of a reading from Genesis 2:18-25, in full, from the King James Version of the Bible (“And the Lord God said,…
The ratification of the covenant in Galatians 3:17
We have seen that the “seed” of Galatians 3:16 is referring to Genesis 17:8. In Galatians 3:16, Paul is explaining to the gentile Galatians that the “seed” of Genesis 17:8 is the “one” nation Israel, not the “multitude” of nations who will also have Abraham as their father (Genesis 17:5). In Galatians 3:17, Paul goes…
What is the significance of circumcision in Genesis?
Why did God give circumcision to Abraham (Gen 17:9–14)? What is it for? It’s not very useful as a “boundary marker” or “badge of membership”, because under most circumstances people can’t tell whether you’ve been circumcised! Furthermore, lots of other ancient peoples practiced circumcision. Can we discern why circumcision is commanded in the story of…
Is God Green #1: God, the World and Us
A shorter version of this article will soon be posted on webSalt, a publication of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Is God Green? Part 1 The View from Above More than 40 years ago, the Apollo space missions to the moon sent pictures of the earth back home. For the first time ever, humanity…
“With regard to ‘filling the earth and subduing it’, do you think that Christians also have a responsibility to the earth and its strained resources? I.e. is it possible for Christians to have ‘too many’ kids? (Is the earth overpopulated and strained; how much should we consider this?)” The answer to this question is ‘yes’…