Category: Isaiah
The “obedience of faith” in its prophetic context (Romans 1:5)
In my book, I argue that Paul’s phrase “the obedience of faith” in Romans 1:5 can be better understood when read in the context of prophetic (Isaianic) motifs.
Paul’s priestly ministry in Romans 15: a fulfilment of Isaiah 60-61
In my book, I argue that Paul’s description of his “priestly” ministry in Romans 15:14-33 is drawn from Isaiah 60-61, which describes Israel’s eschatological priestly role toward the nations. This reinforces Paul’s depiction of his apostolic ministry as an eschatological Jew-Gentile dynamic.
Paul describes his ministry in terms of Isaiah’s “Servant of the Lord” (Romans 1:1)
In my book, I argue that when Paul uses the term δοῦλος in Romans 1:1, he is drawing on the scriptural figure of the “Servant of the Lord” found in Isaiah 40 –55, especially (but not exclusively) in Isa 49:1–7.
Empires in the Middle-East
Here’s a nice 90-second video showing the various empires which have controlled the middle-east down through the ages – including during the biblical period. Good for quickly introducing people to the historical and geographical context of biblical books (especially Isaiah!) HT Stephen Cook
Timeline for the book of Isaiah – Mark II
Mark Barry has given my timeline of Isaiah (original here) a serious makeover, adding some helpful details and making it look generally much nicer. You can also download it as a PDF. Background: in September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by…
Isaiah in 7 hours – complete list of talks
Here is a permanent link to the list of all the talks from my series on Isaiah.
Isaiah in 7 hours – Isaiah 56-66
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. Here is…
Isaiah in 7 hours – Isaiah 51:12-Ch. 55
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. Here is…
Isaiah in 7 hours – Isaiah 40:1-51:11
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. Here is…
Isaiah in 7 hours – Isaiah 28-35 and 36-39
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. Here is…
Isaiah in 7 hours – Isaiah 13-27
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. Here is…
Isaiah in 7 hours – Isaiah 1-12
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. Here is…
Isaiah in 7 hours – Introduction to Isaiah
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. Here is…
Timeline for the book of Isaiah
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. I’ll be…
The Structure of the Book of Isaiah
In September, 2010, I gave a series of 7 talks on the book of Isaiah at “Word Works”, a conference organised by the Malaysia Gospel Growth Fellowship. The aim of the talks was to give an overview of Isaiah with a view to helping people read this part of the Bible for themselves. I’ll be…
Postscript: Why the New Perspective claims that “righteousness” means “covenant faithfulness” – and why it’s wrong
Here’s a very insightful post from Lee Irons critiquing the theory that “righteousness” means “covenant faithfulness”. I’ll quote a sizeable chunk of Irons’ conclusions because they’re highly relevant to both of my series on righteousness and covenant: As you can see, the New Perspective claim that “the righteousness of God” is a cipher denoting “God’s…
The Bible doesn’t say
A few weeks ago, Bobby died. It happened quite quickly. On Thursday, he was sitting merrily on his perch. On Friday, he was shivering and looking pretty unimpressed with life. On Saturday morning, he was standing on the floor of the cage with his eyes half open, rocking back and forth. At lunchtime, when the…
Comfort in good times and bad
Only the promises of God will stand forever. And so only the hope of everlasting life—of forgiveness—will give us comfort in our suffering.
The wisdom of the minister
Part 3 in the series “Being Ministers of God: Reflections on the Servant concept in Isaiah.” Moore College 2nd Year 2008 Houseparty, Wollongong Surf Leisure Resort, Fairy Meadow, 23-24 February 2008. Power point file with visual aids also available.
The Suffering and Joy of the Minister
Part 2 in the series “Being Ministers of God: Reflections on the Servant concept in Isaiah.” Moore College 2nd Year 2008 Houseparty, Wollongong Surf Leisure Resort, Fairy Meadow, 23-24 February 2008. Power point file with visual aids also available.
The Minister and the Ministers
Part 1 in the series “Being Ministers of God: Reflections on the Servant concept in Isaiah.” Moore College 2nd Year 2008 Houseparty, Wollongong Surf Leisure Resort, Fairy Meadow, 23-24 February 2008. Power point file with visual aids also available.
The fulfilment of Isaiah 6
Mike Cowie is leading a Bible study that’s working through the book of Isaiah. Having just studied Isaiah chapter 6, he had a question. He wrote: We discussed the purpose in Isaiah’s message. Why would God want to harden people to prevent them from repenting? – reminiscent of God’s work in Pharaoh prior to the…