Category: Romans
The identity of Paul’s interlocutor in Romans 2:17-29
In my book, I argue that Paul in Romans 2:17-29 is addressing a Jewish synagogue teacher
“Are we worse off?” or “Are we better off?”? (Romans 3:9)
In my book, I argue that “Are we [Jews] worse off?” is a plausible translation of the question προεχόμεθα; in Romans 3:9, given the context in which it appears.
Jewish identity and the Law of Moses (Romans 2:17-20)
In my book, I argue that Romans 2:17-20 is a compact description of the close relationship between Jewish identity and the synagogue-based communal engagement with the Law of Moses.
The structure of Romans 2:17-29
In my book, I argue that the Romans 2:17-29 consists of three sections. This cuts across the traditional division of the passage into two sections.
Romans 2:17 is referring to a “publicly recognized Jew”
In my book, I argue that Paul’s interlocutor in Romans 2:17-29 is a paradigmatic mainstream Jew.
The social context of Romans 2:17–29: the Jewish synagogue
In my book, I argue that Romans 2:17-29 is set in the Jewish synagogue.
Romans 2:17-29 is an argument about Jewish Identity
In my book, I argue at length that Romans 2:17-29 is not primarily an argument about salvation, but rather an argument about Jewish identity and vocation.
The “obedience of faith” in its prophetic context (Romans 1:5)
In my book, I argue that Paul’s phrase “the obedience of faith” in Romans 1:5 can be better understood when read in the context of prophetic (Isaianic) motifs.
Paul did not proselytise
In my book, I argue that the apostle Paul’s mission should not be described as “proselytism”.
Paul’s priestly ministry in Romans 15: a fulfilment of Isaiah 60-61
In my book, I argue that Paul’s description of his “priestly” ministry in Romans 15:14-33 is drawn from Isaiah 60-61, which describes Israel’s eschatological priestly role toward the nations. This reinforces Paul’s depiction of his apostolic ministry as an eschatological Jew-Gentile dynamic.
A guilt-free Easter
I just got an ad in the letterbox: “Want to know how to give yourself a Guilt Free Easter this year?”
Does the metaphor of the olive tree (Romans 11:17-24) undermine the notion of Jewish distinctiveness in Paul’s thought?
A number of interpreters regard Paul’s metaphor of the olive tree in Rom 11:17–24 as evidence that Paul is seeking to include Gentiles within a redefined Israel. I contend that this understanding is not consistent with the meaning and purpose of this passage.
Romans: An exercise in Jewish vocation
In my book, I argue that the occasion and purpose of Paul’s letter to the Romans is bound up with the relationship between his apostolic ministry and his Jewish identity. Romans, in other words, is an exercise in Jewish vocation.
The vocational dimension of Jewish identity in the New Testament
In my book, I contend that Paul did not conceive of the distinct value of Jewishness principally in terms of salvation, but rather in terms of a special vocation arising from their possession of a unique divine revelation (the Law, or the Scriptures more generally).
Book: Paul and the Vocation of Israel
Book – Lionel J. Windsor. Paul and the Vocation of Israel: How Paul’s Jewish Identity Informs his Apostolic Ministry, with Special Reference to Romans. BZNW 205. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014.
Making Christ Known
A sermon preached at St Augustine’s Neutral Bay
Having your heart in your mouth (Romans 10:1-13)
I preached this sermon recently at St Michael’s Anglican Cathedral, Wollongong. Right now, St Michael’s is engaging in a concerted effort to promote conversations about Jesus! People are being asked to complete the sentence, “Jesus is _______.” How would you fill the blank? The sermon grew out of my study of Romans 9-11, which formed chapter…
There is no difference: Kurrajong Ministry Training Fund keynote address
The Ministry Training Fund is a brilliant initiative of Kurrajong Anglican Church. The fund is designed to encourage and financially support people from the church who are undertaking training in Christian ministry (e.g. at theological college, Youthworks, MTS). The inaugural dinner for the fund was held on 11 August 2012. I had the privilege of…
PhD thesis: approved and now available online (Paul and the Vocation of Israel)
This dissertation argues that Paul’s apostolic mission to the Gentiles was the definitive expression of his divine vocation as an Israelite, and thus of his Jewish identity. For many of Paul’s Jewish contemporaries, Israel’s divine vocation was to keep and to teach the precepts of the Law of Moses as an exemplary witness to God’s…
Not My People: Gentiles as Exiles in Pauline Hermeneutics
David Starling‘s recently published dissertation has received quite a favourable review. Here are some choice excerpts from the review, which made me cheer: [T]he situation of the Israel under judgment in Gal 2:15–4:11 corresponds to the existence of the godless Gentile sinners, and the corollary is that believing and justified Gentiles obtain the same position…
Identity and reality in the modern Australian and ancient Jewish diasporas
Our family has been away from Australia for almost 3 years now. One of the funny things we’ve noticed about ourselves is how much our Australian identity is wrapped up in symbols and dreams that have little to do with reality. For example, this 1-minute ad for Tourism Australia–based on Les Murray’s poem, “The Dream…
The Doubting Believer
A great post from Michael Jensen today about Abraham, Sarah, doubt and faith (I’m presuming it was originally a Moore College chapel sermon): The Doubting Believer I – Abram & Sarai An excerpt: The story of Abram illustrates for us that faith is not heroic. It might seem strange that the New Testament presents doubting…
God’s word, God’s people (Romans 11)
Part of a series on Romans 9-11 Outline When God lets you down… God’s word is being preached (Rom 11:1-4) God’s word has not failed (Rom 11:5-10) God’s word will achieve greater things (Rom 11:11-15) God’s word cannot be taken for granted (Rom 11:16-24) God’s word will be fulfilled (Rom 11:25-32) God’s ways are greater…
Doing, Believing and Preaching (Romans 10)
Part of a series on Romans 9-11 Outline The doorknocker The gospel that is preached (Rom 10:1-13) Israel’s problem (Rom 10:1-3, Rom 10:5) Christ is the end of the law (Rom 10:4, Rom 10:6-8) Believing and speaking (Rom 10:9-10) For everyone who calls (Rom 10:11-13) The preachers of the gospel (Rom 10:14-21) Paul’s success (Rom…
God’s plan, Israel’s failure (Romans 9)
Part of a series on Romans 9-11 Outline Paul’s anguish (Rom 9:1-3) Israel’s privileges (Rom 9:4) Israel’s purpose (Rom 9:5) Israel’s existence constantly depends on God’s calling (Rom 9:6-13) Israel, an instrument in God’s hands (Rom 9:14-23) Israel’s existence constantly depends on God’s calling (Rom 9:24-29) Israel’s failure and God’s plan (Rom 9:30-33)