Category: Iso-chats
Preaching the Pastoral Epistles
A one-hour audio seminar with principles and ideas for preaching the biblical books 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus (“Pastoral Epistles”)
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 3, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
In this 3-part series, I speak with my colleague Chris Thomson, lecturer in Old Testament at Moore College, who has engaged in detailed research in this area as well as scholarly discussions with others, including N. T. Wright. We talk about what the terms mean, what other people are saying today about the terms, why righteousness is…
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 2, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
In this 3-part series, I speak with my colleague Chris Thomson, lecturer in Old Testament at Moore College, who has engaged in detailed research in this area as well as scholarly discussions with others, including N. T. Wright. We talk about what the terms mean, what other people are saying today about the terms, why righteousness is…
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 1, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
Martin Luther famously wrote about justification by faith: “if this article stands, the church stands; if this article collapses, the church collapses” (Luther’s Works 40/3.352.3). Justification matters. Why? Because it is caught up with our status before God, our assurance of eternal life, and our freedom to live the Christian life in love for others and…
Jacob: Scoundrel, wrestler and ancestor of Christ, with Philip Kern @ Moore College
The figure of Jacob, in the pages of the Old Testament book of Genesis, is a fascinating character. The man who became known as “Israel” was in so many ways a scoundrel, yet he received God’s superabundant blessing, and through him and his descendant Jesus Christ, that blessing came to all the nations of the…
Ecclesiastes and a world in crisis, with George Athas
What does the Bible have to say to a world in crisis? In my latest Iso-Chat, I speak to my friend and colleague George Athas about the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes is about a crisis—a crisis involving disaster, despair and death. In the end, it is a theological crisis of confidence in God’s…
How did the Reformers respond to plagues? Learning from history with Mark Earngey @ Moore College
I have a chat to Mark Earngey, Head of the Church History Department and lecturer in Christian Thought at Moore College, about his public online lecture “Protestants and Plagues”. Video This interview is also available as a video on YouTube.
“He is risen! He is not here”: Comfort and hope in absence, with Peter Orr @MooreCollege
The words of the angel on that first Easter Day, “He has risen! He is not here” (Mark 16:6) are full of comfort and hope. That is especially true as Christians celebrate Easter in 2020, under Covid-19 restrictions. As we are physically absent from one another, the angel’s words show us that there is a…
God’s judgment and compassion in Jeremiah, with Andrew Shead @ Moore College
What does it mean for God to be judge? How does this square with the biblical picture of God as compassionate? Sometimes we can adopt a one-dimensional view of God—a view that assumes that either God is wrathful, or that God is compassionate, but that he cannot be both. I chat with Andrew Shead, head…
Moore College, open for business: Joys and challenges during Covid-19, with Principal Mark Thompson
Principal of Moore College, Mark Thompson, talks about how the College is faring in this season of Covid-19 restrictions. Mark shares some encouraging stories of Christian love and mission amongst students and staff, describes how we have adapted our face-to-face learning to a temporary “online” mode, and asks us to pray for Moore in the…
Domestic abuse and social isolation: how Christians can help the vulnerable, with Louise Cunningham @ Moore College
The serious problem of domestic abuse in our community is exacerbated by Covid-19 social isolation restrictions. While extra funding for shelters, helplines, counsellors, etc. is very important when it comes to providing help in these circumstances, Christian communities also have a significant role to play. I speak with Louise Cunningham from Emu Plains Anglican church,…
Thinking rightly about the Apocalypse, with David Höhne @ Moore College
The current global pandemic is prompting people throughout our world to think apocalyptic thoughts. Whether it’s a recent New York Times op ed piece seeking to find “moral meaning” and redemption stories in our suffering, or Christians seeking the signs of the end of the world, big picture thinking is everywhere. I speak to my…
Gentleness: a crucial virtue in stressful times, with Peter Orr @ Moore College
As measures to contain Covid-19 are put into effect, many of us find ourselves in stressful situations. Some need to live in close quarters with others for long periods of time; for others, social contact is almost exclusively online. As a result, the Christian virtue of gentleness is more important than ever. I have an…
Culture shock: Why everyone’s feeling it, and how to cope, with Margie and Simon Gillham @ Moore College
“Culture shock is what happens when you move from one culture to another, and all your ways of dealing with the world become compromised by the changes you’re going through… That’s complicated and it’s exhausting. And that’s what everyone is going through right now. We have new ways of greeting people, we have new languages,…
Emotional wellbeing in crazy times, with Paul Grimmond @ Moore College
We’re living in crazy, tumultuous times. Covid-19 is forcing us to make radical changes in our lives, changes which inevitably take an emotional toll on us. I had a chat to Paul Grimmond, Dean of Students at Moore College, about what he has been doing over the last few weeks here at Moore to help…
What is church when we can’t gather? Thinking theologically with Chase Kuhn @ Moore College
Recent measures to curb Covid-19 have had a deep impact on our churches. What is church when we can’t gather?
Isolation and Christian Love, with Dan Wu @ Moore College
I spoke with my colleague at Moore College, Dan Wu, thinking about how Christians might display love towards others in an age of necessary isolation.