Welcome to the Iso-chats: Theology podcast. I’m Lionel Windsor, New Testament Lecturer at Moore Theological College, Sydney. During the Covid-19 Isolation, I chatted with lots of my friends and colleagues here at Moore about theology, Christian life and ministry. It’s the kind of discussion we’d normally have over morning tea, but the topics are highly relevant to life in a changing world, so I wanted to let you listen in. Enjoy!
You can subscribe to the audio podcast below – or watch any of the videos on YouTube by following this link.
Episodes so far
- Isolation and Christian Love, with Dan Wu @ Moore College
- What is church when we can’t gather? Thinking theologically with Chase Kuhn @ Moore College
- Emotional wellbeing in crazy times, with Paul Grimmond @ Moore College
- Culture shock: Why everyone’s feeling it, and how to cope, with Margie and Simon Gillham @ Moore College
- Gentleness: a crucial virtue in stressful times, with Peter Orr @ Moore College
- Thinking rightly about the Apocalypse, with David Höhne @ Moore College
- Domestic abuse and social isolation: how Christians can help the vulnerable, with Louise Cunningham @ Moore College
- Moore College, open for business: Joys and challenges during Covid-19, with Principal Mark Thompson
- God’s judgment and compassion in Jeremiah, with Andrew Shead @ Moore College
- “He is risen! He is not here”: Comfort and hope in absence, with Peter Orr @MooreCollege
- How did the Reformers respond to plagues? Learning from history with Mark Earngey @ Moore College
- Ecclesiastes and a world in crisis, with George Athas
- Jacob: Scoundrel, wrestler and ancestor of Christ, with Philip Kern @ Moore College
- The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 1, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
- The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 2, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
- The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 3, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
- Preaching the Pastoral Epistles