Tag: Bible talks
Money and ministry: A sermon on 1 Timothy 6
An easy question: When did you last think about money? A much harder question: HOW do you think about money? In 1 Timothy 6, we see Paul applying a deep gospel framework to key issues to do with wealth: money in the lives of Christian teachers and those we teach.
The risen Lord of life and ministry: A sermon on John 21
Trying to catch fish?Jesus has it sorted. Feeling a failure?Jesus has just the job for you. Suffering and out of control? Jesus knows all about it.
Jesus’ resurrection: real and good (John 21)
Some say Jesus’ resurrection is a good story, but not real. Others believe it’s real but don’t know why it’s good. It’s both. A sermon.
Defining Moments: My Copernican Revolution (Ephesians 1)
A defining moment in my life. A sermon preached at Auckland EV Church on 31 December, 2023, in the “Defining Moments” series.
What about when things go wrong? (1 Timothy 5:17–25)
We need people to proclaim the gospel. But what about sin and moral failure in the churches we plant or the people we send? (Sermon)
Respect and Honour in God’s Family (1 Timothy 5:1–16)
A sermon in Moore College Chapel, Lionel Windsor with Susan An. 1. God’s church is a family that’s both relational and ordered 2. God’s church family must especially honour its vulnerable members 3. God’s church family affirms natural family relationships and obligations 4. God’s church family needs realistic rules to truly care
A good minister (1 Timothy 4:6–16)
What makes for a good minister? A sermon preached at Moore College chapel. Faith and good doctrine, our personal lives, teaching others.
Plugged-in spirituality (1 Timothy 3:14–4:5)
Is your spirituality definitely plugged in? A sermon preached at Moore College chapel on 1 Timothy 3:14–4:5.
Ministry ambition (1 Timothy 3:1–13)
Are you ambitious in your ministry? A sermon preached at Moore College chapel on 26 April 2022, with Jane Tooher (hospitality in ministry).
Men, women, and God’s word in the gathering (1 Timothy 2:8–15)
Moore College Men’s chapel. Quietness for men. Value good works and God’s word among our sisters. We must not abandon our responsibility.
Faith and Love in the Mess (1 Thessalonians 3:1–13)
This sermon, preached in the middle of lockdown, emphasises the why and how of faith and love in the mess of the world – COVID or not.
God’s heart for all humanity (1 Timothy 2:1–7)
Tensions are very high in our community at the moment. Take the illegal anti-lockdown protest on 23 July 2021 in Sydney. The protesters were expressing a fear and anger that’s clearly present amongst many. They were wrong to express it in this way. But you can feel it, can’t you? I know right now many…
Grace in ministry: Avoiding the shipwreck (1 Timothy 1:12–20)
“There was a widespread view expressed by participants that within [the church] culture there was an over-emphasis on sin and an under-emphasis on grace”. The report describes how this grace problem permeated the culture. It affected membership commitment expectations, views of authority, pastoral care, and more. And yet, the thing is: Nobody would deny that…
The goals of Bible teaching (1 Timothy 1:1–11)
In gospel ministry and Bible teaching, if you’re not committed to the right goal, or if you have the wrong goal, it’s not just a matter of being ineffective: you’ll be downright dangerous. So what is that goal? What are you seeking to achieve in your gospel ministry and Bible teaching – now and in…
Romans Crash Course (video)
A 75 minute video course in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans designed for church members and leaders.
Humility in Ministry #3 (Romans 11)
God achieves his purposes through the gospel—with you and without you. A sermon on Romans 11 at Moore College chapel.
Humility in Ministry #2 (Romans 10)
Since the gospel is about believing not achieving, Christian ministry is about speaking not achieving. A sermon on Romans 10 at Moore College chapel.
Finding praise in the right place (Romans 2:28–29)
There is a very strong temptation to measure your ministry by looking at how much people are praising you. This passage teaches us where to look for praise.
When education is not the answer (Romans 2:17–27)
When education is not the answer (Romans 2:17–27). Amongst all the pragmatics & demands & struggles of ministry, you first need to know the why of ministry. You need deep and strong theology, and to apply that theology to your life & ministry.
Jesus is Compassionate: A Sermon on Mark 1:29-45
Does Jesus really care about us? Often it seems like he doesn’t – even in the accounts of Jesus’ life here in Mark’s gospel. But the strange things Jesus does here points to a great truth: that Jesus is, in fact, far more compassionate than we can imagine.
Grace and Love. Actually. (A sermon on Deuteronomy 9-11)
Deuteronomy chapters 9–11 don’t just tell us what grace and love mean. They show us what grace and love mean – by telling us a story.
Get with the Program (The Gospel Coalition Australia)
My recent talk on Ephesians 1-2 for the Rural Bible Network is now available at the Gospel Coalition Australia website.