Tag: Bible teaching
1 Timothy 2 and the scholarly debate – The Pastor’s Heart
I was recently interviewed at The Pastor’s Heart, summarising my recent paper on the scholarly debate on 1 Timothy 2 and women teaching.
Video: Key issues in scholarship on 1 Timothy 2:8–15
In the last few decades, there’s been an enormous amount of scholarship on the meaning and significance of 1 Timothy 2:8–15. The sheer range of interpretations can be bewildering, leading us to throw our arms in the air and declare that it’s all too hard, so we should all just do what is right in…
False teaching – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about false teaching? Q&A with me & my colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, Chase Kuhn.
Grace in ministry: Avoiding the shipwreck (1 Timothy 1:12–20)
“There was a widespread view expressed by participants that within [the church] culture there was an over-emphasis on sin and an under-emphasis on grace”. The report describes how this grace problem permeated the culture. It affected membership commitment expectations, views of authority, pastoral care, and more. And yet, the thing is: Nobody would deny that…
The goals of Bible teaching (1 Timothy 1:1–11)
In gospel ministry and Bible teaching, if you’re not committed to the right goal, or if you have the wrong goal, it’s not just a matter of being ineffective: you’ll be downright dangerous. So what is that goal? What are you seeking to achieve in your gospel ministry and Bible teaching – now and in…
Learning Christ (Ephesians 4:20–21)
Christian communities are places of learning and teaching. This isn’t just about transmitting information: Christians are people who “learn Christ”.