Tag: Exile
Exile and the Christian: Podcast Episode
In this CCL podcast episode, Tony Payne talks with Phil Colgan and Lionel Windsor about what exile means in the Bible, and what difference it all makes.
Are we there yet? ‘Exile’ in the Bible (article)
This world is our God-created home, and yet it’s also not our home. How are we to understand this tension, and how are we to live and minister in light of it?
Are We There Yet? Exile in the Bible (video)
The video of my talk “Are We There Yet? Exile in the Bible” is now available to watch
Coming up at Nexus16: “Are We There Yet? Exile in the Bible”
I’ll be speaking on the topic of “Exile in the Bible” at Nexus16, alongside Kanishka Raffel, Phil Colgan and others (video)
Nexus 2016 Conference – Ministry in Exile
I’ll be speaking at the Nexus 2016 Conference for gospel workers, on 23 May 2016, on the topic of “Ministry in Exile”.