Tag: God
The doctrine of God in Ephesians
Here are the key reflections on the topic of The doctrine of God in Ephesians in my series Lift Your Eyes: Reflections on Ephesians
God’s judgment and compassion in Jeremiah, with Andrew Shead @ Moore College
What does it mean for God to be judge? How does this square with the biblical picture of God as compassionate? Sometimes we can adopt a one-dimensional view of God—a view that assumes that either God is wrathful, or that God is compassionate, but that he cannot be both. I chat with Andrew Shead, head…
God’s judgment and compassion in Jeremiah, with Andrew Shead @ Moore College
What does it mean for God to be judge? How does this square with God’s compassion? Jeremiah gives us a rich, multi-dimensional view of God.
The one and only God (Ephesians 4:4–6)
In this part of Ephesians, the apostle Paul makes an unavoidably scandalous claim: The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the one and only God.
God: Beyond us—and with us (Ephesians 3:20–21)
God is nothing like the Elf on the Shelf. God’s power is far beyond us. Yet God’s power is at work in us. So God’s glory is our joyful goal.
Who are you praying to? (Ephesians 3:14–15)
Most people pray. But not everyone prays in the same way. Your view of God will have a profound effect on your prayer life. Who are you praying to?
This God (Ephesians 1:2)
Many people believe in ‘God’. But the word ‘God’ means different things to different people. What does the Bible say about God: who he is and what he’s like?