Tag: Grace
Gifts – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about gifts? A video Q&A with me & my Moore College colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, and Chase Kuhn.
Stewardship and Generosity – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about stewardship and generosity? Q&A with me & my colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, Chase Kuhn.
Grace in ministry: Avoiding the shipwreck (1 Timothy 1:12–20)
“There was a widespread view expressed by participants that within [the church] culture there was an over-emphasis on sin and an under-emphasis on grace”. The report describes how this grace problem permeated the culture. It affected membership commitment expectations, views of authority, pastoral care, and more. And yet, the thing is: Nobody would deny that…
What does Ephesians say about reconciliation?
We humans are not very good at living up close with others. This is especially true when we have a history of conflict with those others. Reconciliation isn’t easy. No matter how much you might want healing, it’s hardly ever a matter of just everybody getting on and pretending the hurts didn’t happen. In Paul’s…
Humility in Ministry #3 (Romans 11)
God achieves his purposes through the gospel—with you and without you. A sermon on Romans 11 at Moore College chapel.
The gospel for criminals (Ephesians 4:28)
Paul preaches the gospel to thieves. God’s grace gives us a new identity. That means we have work to do: not so we can take, but so we can give.
Gifted beyond measure (Ephesians 4:7)
How should Christians think about our own individual ‘giftedness’? We need to see our own gifts in the light of God’s wonderful, superabundant grace.
The meaning of ministry (Ephesians 3:7–8)
Christian ministry is hard. So why be involved at all? Pragmatics and techniques alone can’t answer that question. We need to know the meaning of ministry.
The prisoner lifts his eyes (Ephesians 3:1–3)
It’s so easy for Christians to play the victim, and to define ourselves as victims. But Paul, even in prison under Roman rule, lifts his eyes to God’s grace in Christ.
Are you trying to redeem yourself? (Ephesians 1:6b–7)
When it comes to God, we can’t redeem ourselves. Redemption is something that God has to do—and has done—for us. This is why it’s such a wonderful thing.
This God (Ephesians 1:2)
Many people believe in ‘God’. But the word ‘God’ means different things to different people. What does the Bible say about God: who he is and what he’s like?
Grace and Love. Actually. (A sermon on Deuteronomy 9-11)
Deuteronomy chapters 9–11 don’t just tell us what grace and love mean. They show us what grace and love mean – by telling us a story.