Tag: identity
Book Launch Panel: Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry
In this episode of the Effective Ministry podcast you will listen in on the book launch evening for ‘Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry’, edited by Dr. Ruth Lukabyo. The book, featuring contributions from Youthworks College lecturers and other authors from Australian churches and Bible colleges, aims to bridge theological principles with practical youth ministry.…
Book launch: Australian evangelical perspectives on youth ministry
A book I’ve contributed to with perspectives on Youth Ministry will be launched on 21 March at Youthworks College in Newtown, Sydney.
Who Am I? Identity and Freedom in Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Lady Gaga’s pop anthem “Born This Way” tells a powerful theological story about what it means to be human. In such a chaotic and confusing world, the rich truths in Romans provide valuable foundations for ministry among children and young people.
‘Your truth’ and the true story: How the gospel of Christ transforms our decision-making
Focusing primarily on Romans 5–8, I explore how a gospel foundation grounds our decision-making when we face stories of suffering. I am writing primarily for those who have roles in making decisions in difficult situations, especially those in leadership or governance positions in churches, Christian schools and other Christian communities.