Tag: Imputation
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 3, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
In this 3-part series, I speak with my colleague Chris Thomson, lecturer in Old Testament at Moore College, who has engaged in detailed research in this area as well as scholarly discussions with others, including N. T. Wright. We talk about what the terms mean, what other people are saying today about the terms, why righteousness is…
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 2, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
In this 3-part series, I speak with my colleague Chris Thomson, lecturer in Old Testament at Moore College, who has engaged in detailed research in this area as well as scholarly discussions with others, including N. T. Wright. We talk about what the terms mean, what other people are saying today about the terms, why righteousness is…
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 1, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
Martin Luther famously wrote about justification by faith: “if this article stands, the church stands; if this article collapses, the church collapses” (Luther’s Works 40/3.352.3). Justification matters. Why? Because it is caught up with our status before God, our assurance of eternal life, and our freedom to live the Christian life in love for others and…
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 3, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
I speak with Dr Chris Thomson about the meaning of “righteousness” and “justification” and how this helps us to understand Romans, imputation and assurance.
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 2, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
I speak with Dr Chris Thomson about the meaning of “justification”, especially in light of modern scholarly views, in particular that of N. T. Wright.
The biblical meaning of righteousness and justification Part 1, with Chris Thomson @ Moore College
I speak with Dr Chris Thomson about the meaning of “righteousness”, especially in light of modern scholarly views, in particular that of N. T. Wright.