Tag: Law
The named Jew and the name of God: A new reading of Romans 2:17–29
I’ve just had an article published in the journal Novum Testamentum. In it, I provide a detailed defense of my new reading of Romans 2:17–29. This passage is not primarily about Jewish salvation – rather it’s primarily about Jewish teaching and God’s glory.
Humility in Ministry #2 (Romans 10)
Since the gospel is about believing not achieving, Christian ministry is about speaking not achieving. A sermon on Romans 10 at Moore College chapel.
Paul the Apostle does children’s ministry (Ephesians 6:1–3)
Children’s ministry is important. Paul’s short instruction to children is deeply soaked in theology, biblical theology, and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“How beautiful are the feet of those who evangelise” – it’s about Paul’s Gentile mission after all (Romans 10:14-18)
I used to think that Romans 10:14-18 was about the (mostly failed) Christian mission to Jews. I was wrong. After closely reading this text, I now think it’s about Paul’s mission to Gentiles.
Speech not works (Romans 10:8-10)
In my book, I argue that the mention of the “mouth” alongside the “heart” is a key to Paul’s argument about the nature of salvation.
Jesus Christ and the Revolution of Security (Romans 2:17-29)
Paul’s letter to the Romans bears witness to a revolution that has occurred in his source of Jewish identity and security. It is a security revolution that has come about through Paul’s encounter with and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The “End of the Law” (Romans 10:4)
In my book, I argue that the phrase “Christ is the end (τέλος) of the Law” in Romans 10:4 is illuminated by Romans 3:21, which states that the purpose of the Law is to testify to the gospel.
Review: Brian S. Rosner. Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God.
Although some questions remain about the details of his framework, Rosner’s overall approach—“a hermeneutical solution to the puzzle of Paul and the law”—is compelling, and constitutes an important contribution on this key issue.
Album: Masterplan – Ben Pakula
Ben Pakula’s new album – Masterplan – is available on iTunes and at the CEP Store. I love Ben’s work, and so do our kids. It’s a powerful rock style combined with words that teach profound truths about God, Jesus, humanity and the world. Often, when our kids ask us questions about Jesus or something…
Listening to the law without being under the law (a sermon on Exodus 20:22-23:19)
Preached at Kurrajong Anglican Church on 26 August, 2012. Our problem with the law A few days after we got back to Australia from England, my wife had an experience that made us realize that we were well and truly back home. She was driving along Redbank Road in North Richmond, and a car coming…
Borrowing beasts & paying preachers: Why Paul’s use of the Old Testament makes sense
This was a real “Oh yeah – aha!” moment in my understanding of the Bible, especially in my understanding of the way Paul uses the Old Testament. The Law of Moses says: You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain. (Deut 25:4) Paul says: For it is written in the…