Tag: Ministry
Romans 16: Why and how should we preach it? (Video)
Romans chapter 16 contains many excellent insights. It especially highlights the ministries of men and women working in partnership. But the chapter is often neglected in church preaching and teaching programs based on Romans. In this video, I help preachers and teachers to see how Romans 16 — especially the reference to Andronicus and Junia…
Money and ministry: A sermon on 1 Timothy 6
An easy question: When did you last think about money? A much harder question: HOW do you think about money? In 1 Timothy 6, we see Paul applying a deep gospel framework to key issues to do with wealth: money in the lives of Christian teachers and those we teach.
The risen Lord of life and ministry: A sermon on John 21
Trying to catch fish?Jesus has it sorted. Feeling a failure?Jesus has just the job for you. Suffering and out of control? Jesus knows all about it.
Gospel Seriously: The Dangerous Necessity of Goal-Driven Ministry
What are you aiming for in your ministry? How are you planning to reach these goals? What do you have to change to make it happen? Not just in your rhetoric, but in your action? Not just in your grand visions, but in your daily routines? What good but secondary things will you abandon for…
Book Launch Panel: Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry
In this episode of the Effective Ministry podcast you will listen in on the book launch evening for ‘Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry’, edited by Dr. Ruth Lukabyo. The book, featuring contributions from Youthworks College lecturers and other authors from Australian churches and Bible colleges, aims to bridge theological principles with practical youth ministry.…
Book launch: Australian evangelical perspectives on youth ministry
A book I’ve contributed to with perspectives on Youth Ministry will be launched on 21 March at Youthworks College in Newtown, Sydney.
Defining Moments: My Copernican Revolution (Ephesians 1)
A defining moment in my life. A sermon preached at Auckland EV Church on 31 December, 2023, in the “Defining Moments” series.
Course: Talking with Catholics about Jesus
An opportunity to understand Catholics and have great conversations together about Christ. A new resource by Certainty4Eternity, distributed by Matthias Media. A course to consider for your church or small group 2024!
Who Am I? Identity and Freedom in Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Lady Gaga’s pop anthem “Born This Way” tells a powerful theological story about what it means to be human. In such a chaotic and confusing world, the rich truths in Romans provide valuable foundations for ministry among children and young people.
God’s Goodness in 1 Timothy
In this short article, I want to help us to grasp the fundamental goodness of 1 Timothy. I want to help us to better know and share that delight, joy, peace, and satisfaction in God’s word and his world that resounds throughout the letter. Seeing this goodness in 1 Timothy can be challenging, as we…
It’s OK to be ambitious? Yeah … nah.
My thoughts on Christians and ambition. And why Bill and Ted have a more Christian view of excellence than many Christian views of excellence
Church – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about church? Video Q&A with me & my colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, Chase Kuhn.
False teaching – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about false teaching? Q&A with me & my colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, Chase Kuhn.
Gifts – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about gifts? A video Q&A with me & my Moore College colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, and Chase Kuhn.
Vocational Ministry – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about vocational ministry? Video Q&A with me & my colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, Chase Kuhn.
Seven talks on Christian ministry
Seven sermons from Paul’s first letter to Timothy – aimed especially at people training for Christian ministry. Video and audio.
A good minister (1 Timothy 4:6–16)
What makes for a good minister? A sermon preached at Moore College chapel. Faith and good doctrine, our personal lives, teaching others.
Plugged-in spirituality (1 Timothy 3:14–4:5)
Is your spirituality definitely plugged in? A sermon preached at Moore College chapel on 1 Timothy 3:14–4:5.
Ministry ambition (1 Timothy 3:1–13)
Are you ambitious in your ministry? A sermon preached at Moore College chapel on 26 April 2022, with Jane Tooher (hospitality in ministry).
The Line in the Sand: The Appellate Tribunal Opinion and the Future of the Anglican Church in Australia
I’ve contributed an essay to a recent publication called The Line in the Sand that will be of special interest to Australian Anglicans, especially those involved in the forthcoming session of the General Synod.
Men, women, and God’s word in the gathering (1 Timothy 2:8–15)
Moore College Men’s chapel. Quietness for men. Value good works and God’s word among our sisters. We must not abandon our responsibility.
How I came to know Jesus
I grew up in the rural-urban fringe of Sydney, in an atheist family. But I had the great privilege to hear about God through SRE Scripture teachers.
Bethel, Jesus, and Dove Dung
Bethel’s highly disturbing book The Physics of Heaven seeks spiritual truths in New Age spirituality and pseudo-scientific quantum mysticism
Grace in ministry: Avoiding the shipwreck (1 Timothy 1:12–20)
“There was a widespread view expressed by participants that within [the church] culture there was an over-emphasis on sin and an under-emphasis on grace”. The report describes how this grace problem permeated the culture. It affected membership commitment expectations, views of authority, pastoral care, and more. And yet, the thing is: Nobody would deny that…