Tag: truth
Audiobook: Truth Be Told
My book Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World is now available as an Audiobook, recorded with a genuine Aussie accent by yours truly.
Her Theology Podcast: Truth Be Told Interview
Cass Backhouse at Her Theology podcast interviewed me today about my book Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World. I really appreciated her questions and engagement with the ideas in the book. We talked about what truth really is, where our culture is at, trust and loyalty, engaging with truth in the world,…
Truth Be Told meets the Korean fire noodle challenge.
Video – Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World meets the Korean Fire Noodle Challenge. Buldak 3x Spicy Ramen Noodles!
TGCA Review of Truth Be Told
My book Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World has just been reviewed at The Gospel Coalition Australia by Amy Isham. Amy Writes: “Truth Be Told is excellent for those grappling with anxiety about our culture’s loss of objectivity, refocusing our energy towards the real goal of living with integrity as people of truth.”
A new book about artificial intelligence
The rise of AI technology has enormous implications for all of us—not only for how we live and work, but also for how we understand what it means to be human. Christians need to be equipped to grasp the issues and to navigate the waters ahead. In this book, Stephen Driscoll provides us with a…
The book on truth a government wanted to censor
I was recently interviewed about some of the international political issues surrounding the publication of my book Truth Be Told.
We have a problem with Truth – The Pastor’s Heart
On The Pastor’s Heart podcast today, I chatted with Dominic Steele about my new book Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World. In this 32 minute podcast episode I explore explore what it means to believe the truth, turn to the truth, and adopt habits of truth and faithfulness in a post truth…
Truth be told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world
In Truth be Told, Lionel Windsor goes back to the Bible to show how the gospel provides a foundation for both understanding truth and interacting truthfully with our culture. Provocative and timely, this book offers Christians practical help in the task of sharing the truth of the gospel with confidence and conviction.
Technology in a Post-Truth world: CCL Podcast
Here’s a 25-minute interview about the “technology” chapter of my book Truth be Told at the Centre for Christian Living Podcast
Interview about Truth Be Told on CCL Podcast
Here’s a 25-minute interview about my book Truth be told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world at the Centre for Christian Living Podcast
Truth Be Told: Sample chapter and pre-order
book *Truth be told: Living truthfully in a post-truth world* is now available to pre-order. You can also read a sample chapter.
Interview: Truth Be Told | God’s Story Podcast
How do we live truthfully in a post truth world? Why are we in a post truth world and what is a post truth world anyway? An interview about my forthcoming book Truth Be Told: Living Truthfully in a Post-Truth World
‘Your truth’ and the true story: How the gospel of Christ transforms our decision-making
Focusing primarily on Romans 5–8, I explore how a gospel foundation grounds our decision-making when we face stories of suffering. I am writing primarily for those who have roles in making decisions in difficult situations, especially those in leadership or governance positions in churches, Christian schools and other Christian communities.
False teaching – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about false teaching? Q&A with me & my colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, Chase Kuhn.
Honesty & Integrity – Moore Q&A Video
What does the Bible have to say about honesty & integrity? Video Q&A with me & my colleagues Jane Tooher, Dan Wu, Chase Kuhn.
The truth in love: A key principle for church growth (Ephesians 4:14–15)
Paul’s principle for the growth of Christ’s body isn’t about presentation or organisation. It’s more fundamental: “speaking the truth in love”.