Latest resources (2009 onwards)
- Reader’s Version of Greek and Hebrew Bible
- Seow Hebrew vocabulary resources from David Reimer
- A Hebrew Reader of BHS – on its way
- Hebrew Verbs and the Sovereignty of God
- Anki Greek and Hebrew flashcard resources
- Greek or Hebrew?
- Why learn biblical Hebrew?
- Biblical Greek and Hebrew Memrise courses – Michael Allison
Text Resources
Hebrew text history / family tree
- Thanks to Dan King
- A pictorial summary of the reconstructed history of the Hebrew texts we have at our disposal
- Download it here
Hebrew manuscript summary
- Thanks to Dan King
- A pictorial summary of the Hebrew manuscripts that we have at our disposal
- (These ancient and modern manuscripts enable us to work out what the original Hebrew text was)
- Download it here
Grammar Resources
Hebrew Verb Paradigm Tester
- A fully functional Hebrew ‘Flashcard’-style program for memorising paradigms
- Requires:
- Microsoft Excel 97 or above (included in Microsoft Office standard edition)
- Matt Van Dyken writes:
I have successfully tested that it works in Open Office 3.0. To make it work, however, I had to change the following options (change from the default settings).
- Tools -> Options -> Load/Save -> VBA properties -> Microsoft Excel
- 97/2000/XP -> Make sure that “Executable Code” is checked.
- Tools -> Options -> -> Security -> Macro Security -> Medium.
- Matt Van Dyken writes:
- Font: SIL Ezra
- Microsoft Excel 97 or above (included in Microsoft Office standard edition)
- Doesn’t need any other Flashcard software to run
- There are currently two versions available:
- Verb paradigms from A. P. Ross’s “Introducing Biblical Hebrew” (Thanks to David Yung and Philip Swan)
- Has the ability to select paradigms based on stem and root type
- Has a small number of paradigms missing
- Download it here
- Verb paradigms from C. L. Seow’s “A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew” (revised edition)
- Verb paradigms from A. P. Ross’s “Introducing Biblical Hebrew” (Thanks to David Yung and Philip Swan)
Table of Hebrew Strong Verbs
- Thanks to Philip Swan
- Requires
- Microsoft Word
- Font: SIL Ezra
- Download it here
Table of Hebrew Weak Verbs
- Thanks to Anthony Douglas
- Requires:
- Microsoft Excel 97 or above (included in Microsoft Office standard edition) or compatible
- Font: bwhebb
- Download it here
Syntax Resources
- Macros for easier handling of Hebrew text in Office XP Word (thanks Philip Swan)
- Version 2: Download it here
- For easily creating new lines and sending Hebrew words up and down from one line to another in MS Word.
- Now works with earlier versions of Word! (except footnote-to-clipboard macro)
- Also more exact instructions for getting the verse-to-table macro to work for you.
- If you installed a previous version, when you are in the Organiser dialogue box, you will need to DELETE the HebrewParagraphingTools Toolbar AND Macro Project Item from your file BEFORE copying the same back over from this new file.
Vocabulary Resources
Hebrew & Aramaic Flash cards for Microsoft Excel
- A fully functional Hebrew Flashcard program for memorising vocabulary
- Requires:
- Microsoft Excel 97 or above (included in Microsoft Office standard edition)
- NB I think it also runs on Star Office (a freeware Office package)
- Font: SIL Ezra for older files
- Microsoft Excel 97 or above (included in Microsoft Office standard edition)
- Doesn’t need any other Flashcard software to run
Word lists:
- Complete vocabulary list from C. L. Seow’s A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (revised edition). Also includes approximate frequency ranges (0-99, 100-199, 200-499, 500+).
- Download it here – NB thanks to David Reimer from Edinburgh, it’s now in Unicode format
- Words from second year Moore Theological College Hebrew set texts (2003), with frequencies
- Vocabulary list from A. P. Ross’s “Introducing Biblical Hebrew” (Thanks to Philip Swan)
- Chapters 1-36 and 39-40
- Chapters 32-38
- Here is a Macintosh version (Thanks to Byron Smith)
- Vocabulary from Miles V. Van Pelt, Basics of Biblical Aramaic (Thanks to Brian Tice, International Messianic Torah Institute)
- Download it here: Chapters 1-17
- Vocabulary from the book of Ruth (Thanks to Gary Hsu)
- Download it here
- Here are the words from Ruth verse by verse
Vocabulary list in PDF format
David Reimer, from Edinburgh, has provided a very helpful resource for students using C. L. Seow’s Textbook A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. This Vocabulary List contains the entire vocabulary list from Seow, sorted by “alephbet”. A good reference glossary.
To use most of these resources, you will need the following fonts:
- “bwhebb” (from the Bibleworks website)
- SIL Ezra. (This used to be available from the SIL website, but they have superseded it with a new font – see below.)
- “Ezra SIL.”. Available from the SIL website. Note that SIL Ezra and Ezra SIL are two different fonts and both may need to be installed.
2 responses to “Hebrew”
[…] vocabulary. I had no idea that Excel was capable of this, but boy is it sweet. I snagged it from Lionel Windsor. His language tools pages are a little treasure trove, and it looks like we get the booty! Thanks, […]
[…] Recommended online resources: […]